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Pour une garantie universelle de revenu : éléments pratiques
Pour une garantie universelle de revenu : éléments pratiques
En écartant les querelles téléologiques, le projet de réunir les minima sociaux en une garantie universelle de revenu soulève de beaux enjeux de qualité des finances publiques. Ainsi, la solution de l’impôt négatif dans un cadre socio-fiscal intégré conduit à revisiter tant le support législatif que les règles de gestion de l’IR et l’équilibre du financement (chronique n° 34).
Pour une garantie universelle de revenu : éléments pratiques
Pour une garantie universelle de revenu : éléments pratiques
Pour une garantie universelle de revenu : éléments pratiques
En écartant les querelles téléologiques, le projet de réunir les minima sociaux en une garantie universelle de revenu soulève de beaux enjeux de qualité des finances publiques. Ainsi, la solution de l’impôt négatif dans un cadre socio-fiscal intégré conduit à revisiter tant le support législatif que les règles de gestion de l’IR et l’équilibre du financement (chronique n° 34).
Pour une garantie universelle de revenu : éléments pratiques
Lutte des classes ou lutte des générations ?
Lutte des classes ou lutte des générations ?
À ma connaissance, aucun commentateur n’a souligné cette chose stupéfiante : si l’on ne comptabilise que les suffrages exprimés des moins de 65 ans, le second tour de l’élection présidentielle aurait opposé Marine Le Pen à Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Emmanuel Macron n’aurait pas été réélu.
Lutte des classes ou lutte des générations ?
Oregon Starbucks Workers Go On Strike Against Union Busting - PopularResistance.Org
Oregon Starbucks Workers Go On Strike Against Union Busting - PopularResistance.Org
Starbucks workers at a location in Eugene, Oregon went on strike on Tuesday to protest the union busting at their location and the unlawful firing of three organizers. The workers at this Starbucks store voted 17-0 in favor of unionizing. They are part of the massive Starbucks unionization wave, with 70 other stores nationwide winning union elections and over 250 stores filing to unionize. Starbucks, however, is doing everything it can to stop this wave. As Starbucks Workers United described in a statement: “Starbucks has continued to cut workers’ hours, coerce them into voting against union representation by mischaracterizing the law and preemptively refusing to engage in good faith bargaining… Starbucks has failed to recognize their union despite having no good-faith reason not to.”
Oregon Starbucks Workers Go On Strike Against Union Busting - PopularResistance.Org
Jeremy Corbyn: We Can Build a New Economic Order
Jeremy Corbyn: We Can Build a New Economic Order
In a speech to the Progressive International, former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn says now is not a time for retreat. We must build a powerful alternative to capitalist destruction.
Jeremy Corbyn: We Can Build a New Economic Order
We Failed to Protect Abortion Rights. We Need a Labor-Based Strategy.
We Failed to Protect Abortion Rights. We Need a Labor-Based Strategy.
Despite majority support for abortion rights, we failed to build a majority coalition to defend reproductive freedom. We should honestly assess our failures — and then build a movement that ties together labor, feminists, and health care organizing.
We Failed to Protect Abortion Rights. We Need a Labor-Based Strategy.
How Labor Board Delays Hurt Starbucks Workers’ Union Organizing
How Labor Board Delays Hurt Starbucks Workers’ Union Organizing
Starbucks workers in Buffalo, New York, were the first in the country to vote to form a union. But an underfunded Labor Board meant that labor law went unenforced in Buffalo during their elections.
How Labor Board Delays Hurt Starbucks Workers’ Union Organizing
The End of the AOC Honeymoon
The End of the AOC Honeymoon
In 2018, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was heralded as the millennial successor to Bernie Sanders. Today, some on the Left are starting to have doubts.
The End of the AOC Honeymoon
Unionization Is Starting to Spread Across the Retail Sector
Unionization Is Starting to Spread Across the Retail Sector
Inspired by the recent wave of union campaigns at Starbucks and Amazon, retail workers at major chains like Target are launching new organizing drives across the United States.
Unionization Is Starting to Spread Across the Retail Sector