Vincent Mahé on Behance
Vincent Mahé on Behance
Agent in France: Costume 3 Pièces http://www.costume3pieces.com/talent/10/vincent-mahe Agent in USA: Garance Illustration https://www.garance-illustration.com/ Agent in UK: Pocko http://www.pocko.com/talent/vincent-mahe/
Vincent Mahé on Behance
Sonia Poli on Behance
Sonia Poli on Behance
Hi! I'm a graphic designer and illustrator very much into painting, line drawing and fabrics. I enjoy traditional materials as well as digital ones. I worked on both sides of the North Sea in creative agencies and I am now exploring the freelance world. Very exciting indeed!
Sonia Poli on Behance
Ann-Sophie De Steur on Behance
Ann-Sophie De Steur on Behance
Hi! I'm a Belgian graphic designer and I focus on illustration, but i have a great love for minimalist design, motion graphics, and all things visual. Open for opportunities Please check me out on Instagram :) Also obsessive collection-maker on Behance.
Ann-Sophie De Steur on Behance
Irene Caron on Behance
Irene Caron on Behance
Art Director based in the North of France. Multidisciplinary designer with a combined experience of visual design, typography and motion design. If you are interested in a collaboration, please feel free to contact me.
Irene Caron on Behance
Les basiques du SEO On-Page : la meta description
Les basiques du SEO On-Page : la meta description
Une meta description est une balise HTML utilisée pour décrire le contenu d’une page web. Cet article couvrira tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les principes fondamentaux des meta descriptions. Nous allons expliquer de quoi il s’agit, pourquoi elles sont importantes, et comment les exploiter pour le SEO de votre site.
Les basiques du SEO On-Page : la meta description
How to Build a Site Structure for SEO
How to Build a Site Structure for SEO
Don‘t underestimate the importance of getting your site‘s structure right and the impact that it can have on your SEO performance, and in this guide, we take a deep dive into how to structure your site, walking through a step-by-step process as well as helping you to see what an ideal site structure looks like.
How to Build a Site Structure for SEO
Intégrez le livre blanc à votre stratégie digitale
Intégrez le livre blanc à votre stratégie digitale
S‘intégrant pleinement à votre stratégie digitale, le guide blanc contribue à votre notoriété, participe à votre référencement naturel et permet l‘acquisition directe de nouveaux prospects. Apprenez à exploiter au mieux cet outil de communication puissant pour bénéficier du meilleur ROI !
Intégrez le livre blanc à votre stratégie digitale
The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing Strategy in 2021
The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing Strategy in 2021
Content Marketing offers a tremendous opportunity for businesses to boost their results — it allows you to improve your online reputation, build a community and grow advocates of your brand. Check this guide to learn how to develop a great Content Marketing strategy for your company in 2021, step by step.
The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing Strategy in 2021