Le portail du numérique dans l'enseignement supérieur pour vous former : MOOCs, ressources pédagogiques; pour enseigner avec le numérique : innovations pédagogiques, publications, mais aussi pour déployer le numérique dans les établissements de l'enseignement supérieur.
This Girl Can - Sport England
This Girl Can - Sport England
http://thenextgag.com/category/creations/ Brand: Sport England Agency: FCB Inferno, London (UK) Creative Director: Al Young Copywriter / Art Director: Raymond Chan, Simon Cenamor Director: Kim Gehrig TheNextGag is an advertising blog updated daily and featuring the most creative ads in the world.
This Girl Can - Sport England
YETI Presents: The Long Time
YETI Presents: The Long Time
Jack Sanders was certain he found the perfect remodeling project for his senior architecture thesis. But an outsider’s view on what was needed for a rural Alabama baseball team required a different approach, one that derived from the inside out. In the end, his unorthodox approach led him to discover how a community built on passion and innovation is what legacies are made of. And he followed suit. Keep watching YETI Presents: http://bit.ly/YETI-Presents-Playlist Subscribe to the YETI YouTube Channel to be the first to see our new videos: http://bit.ly/YETI-Subscribe Directors - Scott Balle...
YETI Presents: The Long Time
Try: A Brand Film
Try: A Brand Film
After a near-fatal accident that left her incapacitated for several months, many people thought Kim would never be able to get on a horse again. I’ve been barrel racing since I was 10 years old. Pretty much my entire life. I love the competition. The adrenaline. Some people think that I shouldn’t go back to riding, that it’s too dangerous or, but that’s who I am. (announcer audio over titles) I had an accident three months ago. I was at a friend’s ranch, and was unloading a horse, and … I just went to step up into the horse trailer to get to his head to just kind of help him back out, and I...
Try: A Brand Film
Make It With Keanu Reeves
Make It With Keanu Reeves
When passion meets inspiration, an obsession is born. Hold on to this dream and tell the world. All you need is a domain and a website from Squarespace. The world is waiting. Make it.
Make It With Keanu Reeves
WILL FINDS A WAY | Dwayne Johnson Under Armour Campaign
WILL FINDS A WAY | Dwayne Johnson Under Armour Campaign
Wherever we’re starting from. Wherever we’re heading. Will finds a way. SUBSCRIBE for more!: http://bit.ly/28Okvch WATCH MORE OF THE ROCK: WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2pyirxFMreM-CTbd55fqrrF2-44f81k- THE ROCK REACTS: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2pyirxFMreO2Kc9-Rx7V0mM_uPfHewic THE ROCK Q&A: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2pyirxFMreMv3IVdGE7RcObiwDNOFwV1 GREATEST HITS: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2pyirxFMrePalF7_M_ufEthWlbD7cmpd THE ROCK AROUND THE INTERNET Snapchat: http://bit.ly/2abN1W4 Twitter: http://bit.ly/29TZ0H0 Instagram: http://...
WILL FINDS A WAY | Dwayne Johnson Under Armour Campaign
Dove Real Beauty Sketches | You’re more beautiful than you think (3mins)
Dove Real Beauty Sketches | You’re more beautiful than you think (3mins)
In one of the most famous Dove films, Real Beauty Sketches explores the gap between how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. Each woman is the subject of two portraits drawn by FBI-trained forensic artist Gil Zamora: one based on her own description, and the other using a stranger’s observations. The results are surprising… Subscribe to our YouTube channel [http://goo.gl/Gm2XKY] Dove.com [https://www.dove.com] Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/DoveUS] Twitter [https://twitter.com/dove]
Dove Real Beauty Sketches | You’re more beautiful than you think (3mins)
L’atelier RGPD - Bienvenue sur le MOOC de la CNIL
L’atelier RGPD - Bienvenue sur le MOOC de la CNIL
L’atelier RGPD est un cours en ligne gratuit qui s’adresse aussi bien aux profils techniques que juridiques et peut être suivi par toute personne curieuse de cette matière ! Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.
L’atelier RGPD - Bienvenue sur le MOOC de la CNIL
Open Education Resources (OER) Conference
Open Education Resources (OER) Conference
OER20 - The Care in Openness1-2 April 2020This year the OER conference moved online due to the global Covid-19 pandemic. ALT still offered a varied and full programme and over 1100 delegates registered for the event. More than 60 countries were represented which resulted in a highly successful and inspiring 2020 conference
Open Education Resources (OER) Conference
Numérique et Covid-19 - épisode 2 | Blog-numerique
Numérique et Covid-19 - épisode 2 | Blog-numerique
Après une semaine de fermeture de l'université et de confinement, que de chemin parcouru. La mobilisation des équipes de la DSI et de la DIP a été exemplaire pour permettre à l'université de continuer d'assurer ses missions de formation et de recherche. Pour ça, il a fallu mettre en place ou renforcer des services permettant le télétravail et l'enseignement à distance. Les outils évoqués dans l'épisode 1 de ma chronique de cette crise sont maintenant pleinement opérationnels :
Numérique et Covid-19 - épisode 2 | Blog-numerique