Réseau Entreprendre

Aide à la création d'entreprise| Réseau Entreprendre
Vous avez un projet de création ou de reprise d'entreprise ? le Réseau Entreprendre vous aide et accompagne de manière personnalisée sur votre territoire
Marianna Tomaselli on Behance
Hello! I'm an illustrator from Milan. I focus my work mainly towards a synthesis in shapes and composition. I work on illustrations for magazines, advertising and video animation. contact me at mariannatomaselli@gmail.com
Adrian Marin on Behance
Hi, my name is Adrian George Marin. I am a freelancer specialized in logo, graphic and game design. Available for freelance work. Email: adrianm2d@gmail.com
Yu Sang on Behance
Hi, I am Yu Sang , a freelance illustrator working from Beijing, China. Welcome to contact me for any commissions! q135q246w@qq.com zzzmrc@gmail.com
Manuel Bortoletti on Behance
Manuel Bortoletti is an award winning infographic designer born in 1990 and based in Treviso, Italy. He has a masters degree in Communication Design from IUAV university in Venice. His work tells stories using different visual languages with a balanced mix of data visualization and illustration. He believes that aesthetics attract the reader and motivate increased focus on the text. He likes to use maths in his projects. The skeleton of each of his infographics is a grid, a set of invisible lines that help organize the various elements according to mathematical properties. His illustrative style is geometric too, he loves using isometric projections for their rationality and clarity. He mainly works for the editorial and publishing fields. Previous clients include: NYTimes' T Brand Studio, The Economist, La Repubblica, Les Echos, Monocle, Granta Publishing, Courier, Macmillan, Il Sole 24Ore and Transparency International. His work has been recognized by various organizations including Malofiej, D&AD, ADI and European Design
Eric Bourgeois on Behance
Diplômé d'une école de graphisme je propose ici des travaux dirigés, des travaux personnels et des commandes client. Actuellement Directeur Artistique pour un studio de création parisien je mène également des projets personnels. Je porte un grand intérêt à la cartographie et je suis à la recherche de nouvelles représentations des données géographiques. Graphic Designer I propose on my page tutorials, personal works and customer orders. Currently Artistic Director for a Parisian creative studio I also lead personal projects. I am very interested in mapping and I'm looking for new representations of geographic data.
Morgan Schweitzer on Behance
I'm an award-winning freelance illustrator based in Los Angeles, CA.
Arunas Kacinskas on Behance
Arunas Kacinskas is a Vilnius-based freelance illustrator. Previously based in London, Arunas worked for The Design Surgery and Toaster working on large-scale projects for clients such as Google, IBM, and Thomson Reuters. At the moment he is mixing the two styles which makes him very versatile and capable of achieving interesting depths in his artworks. From sketchy and grungy portraits to 2d vector illustrations cities, Arunas has been working worldwide for more than 10 years. Under his belt, there are clients like Samsung, Adobe, Denso, Amazon, and others.
Thomas D'ADDARIO on Behance
Hello, I'm Thomas D’Addario, a French graphic designer and creative illustrator, based in Lille, France. For commissions and print shop queries you can contact me at thomas.daddario@gmail.com instagram: @thomasdaddario
HomemBala Animation on Behance
HomemBala is an independent Portuguese design & motion graphics studio that's flying high. Email: hello@homembala.com pedro@homembala.com Address: Rua S. Sebastião da Pedreira, 55 C, 1º Esq. 1050-206 - Lisboa
Kiko Rodriguez on Behance
Kiko Rodríguez / @kikoplastic is a versatile Cuban artist and graphic designer based in Miami. He uses illustration as a primary language for reflection and meditation. In his work, he experiments by fusing traditional and digital techniques. With a clean and precise style, Kiko creates organic, dynamic and colorful pieces.
Tom Haugomat on Behance
Hello! I'm Tom Haugomat, an illustrator based in Paris, France. My works have been shown in publications like XXI, Le Monde and many others... I also work as an animated film director with Bruno Mangyoku. I'm part of the parisian workshop "Messieurs Dame"
Jack Daly on Behance
I’m an illustrator specialising in bold, conceptual work primarily focussed on advertising, editorial and product illustration. Selected Clients Apple / BMW / BBC / Deloitte / Adele / Penguin / IBM / InVision / Foreign Affairs / BAFTA / New York Times / Green Investment Bank / Forbes Japan / Shop Magazine / Loch Lomond Brewery / Scottish Symphony Orchestra / University of Toronto
Karolis Strautniekas on Behance
I am a freelance creative illustrator, working and living in Vilnius, Lithuania. Having finished my studies at the Fine Arts Academy in Vilnius (2011) I then began working in creative industries such as advertisement, animation and graphic design. In 2013 I really took a focus to illustration and so commenced by career as a freelance illustrator! Selected publications: It's Nice That, Fubiz, TAXI, ArtJuice, PICAME. I am represented by FOLIO around the globe and by Agent 002 in France. Contact one of them if you're interested in commissions and projects.
TristanG . on Behance
Shanti Sparrow Design on Behance
Crossmedia v 11 15 728
Checklist #UX pour vos projets web
Vous souhaitez intégrer l'expérience utilisateur dans votre prochain site web ? Je vous propose une checklist qui vous aidera à vérifier la prise en
Projet digital : la phase de wireframes
Vous ne savez pas ce qu'est une wireframe ? Vous pensez que c'est inutile ? Vous ne comprenez pas quand elle intervient ? Nous répondons à tout cela :)
Content Brick : une méthode plus rapide et plus simple pour créer la structure d'un site Internet
Il existe un certain nombre de méthodes qui ont fait leurs preuves pour créer la structure d‘un site Internet. L‘une d‘entre elles consiste à créer un diagramme à l‘aide de MindMap; une autre approche reconnue consiste à commencer par cartographier le flux des utilisateurs. Cependant, le mind mapping n‘est pas le meilleur outil pour concevoir des pages complexes: une page peut contenir plusieurs blocs d‘informations, et il est utile de les avoir tous sous les yeux lors du développement d‘un projet.
Lt56599548 quantized
Lt33828058 quantized
Ecommerce team structure
Algorithme instagram fonctionnement