Today I explain and reproduce the 10 most famous synthesizer riffs in the world!🔥 Check out Vintage Vault 4 👉
10 classic synth riffs that are stupidly easy to play
The synthesiser is a relative newcomer in pop music history. It may have made its debut in the early 1970s, but it really took off during the post-punk late 1970s and early 1980s electropop and …
Mit der interaktiven Webseite von Ableton Synthesizer lernen. Spiele einen Synthesizer direkt im Browser und lerne die verschiedenen Teile eines Synthesizers kennen, um damit eigene Sounds zu erstellen.
Here's a look inside a Mellotron M400 we just restored and an explanation of how it works! The famous (or notorious) Mellotron M400, made in the 1970s, is a ...
Deine erste Anlaufstelle beim Kauf von gebrauchten Synthesizern oder Studioequipment! Unsere Preisliste wird seit 2004 redaktionell geführt und regelmäßig auf Basis tatsächlich stattgefundener Verkäufe auf einschlägigen Online-Gebrauchtbörsen aktualisiert.
Virtual synths have become an established part of the music-technology landscape, but that wasn’t always the case. Let’s explore how the computer has basically become the ultimate synth…