Sound Design

Sound Design

8 Short Funny Stories - Taking The Biscuit
8 Short Funny Stories - Taking The Biscuit
8 Short Funny Stories, humour for the whole family! Over 2 hours of audio including: 1. Taking The Biscuit - read by James Bolam - 0:00 2. The Way To A Man's Heart - read by Julia McKenzie - 10:18 3. Edward's Problem - read by Hayley Mills - 24:51 4. Wish You Were Here - read by Penelope Keith - 44:05 5. Dear Mr Previn - read by Prunella Scales - 59:51 6. Twenty Five - read by Brian Blessed - 1:12:35 7. Goodbye Gertie - read by June Whitfield - 1:29:00 8. A Likely Story - read by Andrew Sachs -1:43:21
8 Short Funny Stories - Taking The Biscuit
Listen to this organ in Croatia that uses the sea to make hauntingly beautiful music. - Upworthy
Listen to this organ in Croatia that uses the sea to make hauntingly beautiful music. - Upworthy
In 2005, a Croatian architect designed a 230-foot-long organ that turns the rhythm of the waves into actual music. Nope, not nonsensical bellows or chaotic tones. Real, actual, music. Most of us have never seen, or heard, anything like it. Photo by linssimato/FlickrImagine walking along the pictur...
Listen to this organ in Croatia that uses the sea to make hauntingly beautiful music. - Upworthy
5 Amazing Sound Design Resources You Should Bookmark — ROUNDHOUSE™ The Creative Agency
5 Amazing Sound Design Resources You Should Bookmark — ROUNDHOUSE™ The Creative Agency
As a sound designer, it pays to keep informed. Learning new things and keeping up to date with what is ‘out there’ is essential. Tools, resources, information - knowing where they are when you need them is important. Additionally, there is a rapidly developing sound design community that surrounds t
5 Amazing Sound Design Resources You Should Bookmark — ROUNDHOUSE™ The Creative Agency
Sound-Design durch Übersteuerung von Audiosignalen Vol.1
Sound-Design durch Übersteuerung von Audiosignalen Vol.1
Kompression, Entzerrung und ... Sättigung. Der dritte Punkt der heiligen Dreifaltigkeit analoger Signalverarbeitung wird heute oft übersehen. Klangfärbungen durch Sättigungseffekte sind aber das Salz in der tontechnischen Suppe. Die richtige Dosis Verzerrung kann nicht nur technische Klangprobleme lösen, sie bringt auch Emotionen im Sound ganz nach vorne. In den Jahrzehnten, in denen die analoge Signalverarbeitung...
Sound-Design durch Übersteuerung von Audiosignalen Vol.1
(1) Sequential Prophet-5: The Legend Returns - YouTube
(1) Sequential Prophet-5: The Legend Returns - YouTube
Audio demos: Video by Mark Wilcox and Tracy Wadley. Prophet-5 soundtrack by Drew Neumann. The new Prophet-5 is Dave Smith's return to the analog poly synth that changed the world. It embodies all three revisions of the legendary synth — Rev1, Rev2, Rev3 — and now, the Rev4. History never sounded better. Soundtrack exclusively by Prophet-5. Yes, even the drums.
(1) Sequential Prophet-5: The Legend Returns - YouTube
Xbox Series X — 3D Spatial Sound – Walking in Steve’s Dreams - YouTube
Xbox Series X — 3D Spatial Sound – Walking in Steve’s Dreams - YouTube
Put your headphones and walk in the dreams of Steve Saylor, AKA BlindGamerSteve. This immersive audio adventure was inspired by real dreams he had after experiencing Destiny 2: Beyond Light—and the spatial sound capabilities of the Xbox Series X. To capture Steve’s dreams, he was guided to a semi-conscious sleep state called hypnagogia. When he reached this state—known to feel like light sleep and even meditation—he was asked to recall his dreams. Some of the greatest minds in history, like Aristotle, Thomas Edison, Edgar Allen Poe, and Mary Shelley, have tapped into this same dream state a...
Xbox Series X — 3D Spatial Sound – Walking in Steve’s Dreams - YouTube