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function renderKatex(element) { renderMathInElement(document.body, { delimiters: [ { left: '$$', right: '$$', display: true }, { left: '$', right: '$', display: false }, { left: '\\(', right: '\\)', display: false }, { left: '\\[', right: '\\]', display: true } ], throwOnError: false }); } \[ \] You’ll find the complete code of this chapter in this Github branch. First Swap # In this milestone, we’ll build a pool contract that can receive liquidity from users and make swaps within a price range.
HashingBits | QuillAudits | Substack
HashingBits | QuillAudits | Substack
Stay current with latest DeFi/NFT events, hacks & innovations from around the globe. Don't fall behind! Click to read HashingBits, by QuillAudits, a Substack publication with hundreds of readers.
HashingBits | QuillAudits | Substack
DefiLlama is a DeFi TVL aggregator. It is committed to providing accurate data without ads or sponsored content, as well as transparency.
Learn Solidity (0.5) - Merkle Tree
Learn Solidity (0.5) - Merkle Tree
Learn about Merkle tree and merkle proof using Solidity. Code: Remix IDE: Solidity: Follow on Twitter: @ProgrammerSmart Website:
Learn Solidity (0.5) - Merkle Tree
TradFi, Meet DeFi: Breaking Down the Economics of DeFi Hacks
TradFi, Meet DeFi: Breaking Down the Economics of DeFi Hacks
Life of a DeFi developer: Say `gm`. Scroll crypto twitter and commiserate about the bear market. Architect new and complex financial and governance systems. Their robustness is so vitally critical
TradFi, Meet DeFi: Breaking Down the Economics of DeFi Hacks
web3 Bug Bounty 101 - Dirk Brink
web3 Bug Bounty 101 - Dirk Brink
London Blockchain Security meetup #001 Dirk Brink is a Tech Lead at Graphcore and bug bounty hunter at Immunefi. He studied Electrical and Electronic Enginee...
web3 Bug Bounty 101 - Dirk Brink
Signing and Verifying Ethereum Signatures | Codementor
Signing and Verifying Ethereum Signatures | Codementor
In this article, let's look at how you can perform off-chain computation using Ethereum signatures. Cryptographic signatures can be used to validate the origin and integrity of messages. Then, we'll examine real-life use cases of off-chain computation such as decentralized exchanges, state channels, and meta transactions.
Signing and Verifying Ethereum Signatures | Codementor
How to Steal $100M from Flawless Smart Contracts — PWNING
How to Steal $100M from Flawless Smart Contracts — PWNING
My blockchains adventure continues! This time I protected Moonbeam network by disclosing a critical design flaw, safeguarding more than $100M assets at risk in various DeFi projects. I was awarded the maximum reward amount of their bug bounty program on Immunefi, $1M, and $50k bonus from Moonwell (I guess that’s also one of the top 10 highest bug bounties?)
How to Steal $100M from Flawless Smart Contracts — PWNING
EVM Codes
EVM Codes
An interactive reference to Ethereum Virtual Machine Opcodes
EVM Codes