
function renderKatex(element) { renderMathInElement(document.body, { delimiters: [ { left: '$$', right: '$$', display: true }, { left: '$', right: '$', display: false }, { left: '\\(', right: '\\)', display: false }, { left: '\\[', right: '\\]', display: true } ], throwOnError: false }); } \[ \] You’ll find the complete code of this chapter in this Github branch. First Swap # In this milestone, we’ll build a pool contract that can receive liquidity from users and make swaps within a price range.
HashingBits | QuillAudits | Substack
HashingBits | QuillAudits | Substack
Stay current with latest DeFi/NFT events, hacks & innovations from around the globe. Don't fall behind! Click to read HashingBits, by QuillAudits, a Substack publication with hundreds of readers.
HashingBits | QuillAudits | Substack
DefiLlama is a DeFi TVL aggregator. It is committed to providing accurate data without ads or sponsored content, as well as transparency.
Learn Solidity (0.5) - Merkle Tree
Learn Solidity (0.5) - Merkle Tree
Learn about Merkle tree and merkle proof using Solidity. Code: Remix IDE: Solidity: Follow on Twitter: @ProgrammerSmart Website:
Learn Solidity (0.5) - Merkle Tree
TradFi, Meet DeFi: Breaking Down the Economics of DeFi Hacks
TradFi, Meet DeFi: Breaking Down the Economics of DeFi Hacks
Life of a DeFi developer: Say `gm`. Scroll crypto twitter and commiserate about the bear market. Architect new and complex financial and governance systems. Their robustness is so vitally critical
TradFi, Meet DeFi: Breaking Down the Economics of DeFi Hacks
web3 Bug Bounty 101 - Dirk Brink
web3 Bug Bounty 101 - Dirk Brink
London Blockchain Security meetup #001 Dirk Brink is a Tech Lead at Graphcore and bug bounty hunter at Immunefi. He studied Electrical and Electronic Enginee...
web3 Bug Bounty 101 - Dirk Brink
Signing and Verifying Ethereum Signatures | Codementor
Signing and Verifying Ethereum Signatures | Codementor
In this article, let's look at how you can perform off-chain computation using Ethereum signatures. Cryptographic signatures can be used to validate the origin and integrity of messages. Then, we'll examine real-life use cases of off-chain computation such as decentralized exchanges, state channels, and meta transactions.
Signing and Verifying Ethereum Signatures | Codementor
How to Steal $100M from Flawless Smart Contracts — PWNING
How to Steal $100M from Flawless Smart Contracts — PWNING
My blockchains adventure continues! This time I protected Moonbeam network by disclosing a critical design flaw, safeguarding more than $100M assets at risk in various DeFi projects. I was awarded the maximum reward amount of their bug bounty program on Immunefi, $1M, and $50k bonus from Moonwell (I guess that’s also one of the top 10 highest bug bounties?)
How to Steal $100M from Flawless Smart Contracts — PWNING
EVM Codes
EVM Codes
An interactive reference to Ethereum Virtual Machine Opcodes
EVM Codes
Joran Honig on Twitter
Joran Honig on Twitter
“There are some extremely successful bounty hunters in web3. However, nobody tells you how they do it. Until now. Here is how you can become a bug bounty millionaire. 🧵👇”
Joran Honig on Twitter
Catching Weird Security Bugs in Solidity Smart Contracts with Invariant Checks | The Rekt Blog
Catching Weird Security Bugs in Solidity Smart Contracts with Invariant Checks | The Rekt Blog
Contract invariants are properties of the program program state that are expected to always be true. In my previous article I discussed the use of Solidity assertions to check contract invariants. This article expands on the use of invariants and provides a couple of additional examples. An interesting feature of invariant checking on the bytecode level is …
Catching Weird Security Bugs in Solidity Smart Contracts with Invariant Checks | The Rekt Blog