solidity Archives - EthereumDev
Learn Cryptocurrency with Our Guides | CoinGecko Buzz (Pg2)
Learn and understand Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrency with our in-depth crypto articles. (Pg2)
nascentxyz/simple-security-toolkit: A collection of practical security-focused guides and checklists for smart contract development
A collection of practical security-focused guides and checklists for smart contract development - nascentxyz/simple-security-toolkit: A collection of practical security-focused guides and checklist...
Blockchain layers (L0, L1, L2, L3) in a Diagram
My dyslexia made me make this.
Dashboard - Moralis Academy
Student Dashboard Student Dashboard Latest Announcements Previous Next Create your study plan Get started! Continue where you left off View all courses PROFESSIONAL REQUIRED Your Personal Study Plan Get your personally tailored study plan by filling out a short quiz about your goals and interests. Then you can consult with your Counselor that will … Dashboard Read More »
0xCourtney/ConsenSys-Academy-Notes: A series of notes that were taken during the ConsenSys Academy program.
A series of notes that were taken during the ConsenSys Academy program. - 0xCourtney/ConsenSys-Academy-Notes: A series of notes that were taken during the ConsenSys Academy program.
Blockchain-Developer-Bootcamp/docs at staging · ConsenSys-Academy/Blockchain-Developer-Bootcamp
0xalpharush/building-secure-contracts: Guidelines and training material to write secure smart contracts
Guidelines and training material to write secure smart contracts - 0xalpharush/building-secure-contracts: Guidelines and training material to write secure smart contracts
amanusk (9,5) on Twitter
“Came across some great resource for a deep dive into EVM bytecode.
Read this by @noxx3xxon
Practice with cool puzzles by @fvictorio_nan
Debug on
Next are my solutions to the puzzles. SPOILERS AHEAD..”
dcbuild3r/blockchain-development-guide: - A Public Good Blockchain development Guide - A Public Good Blockchain development Guide - dcbuild3r/blockchain-development-guide: - A Public Good Blockchain development Guide
protofire/blockchain-learning-path: A suggested learning path for blockchain development
A suggested learning path for blockchain development - protofire/blockchain-learning-path: A suggested learning path for blockchain development
rudrapwn/secureum-mind_map: This repo is less actively maintained now but I still monitor it for PR's.
This repo is less actively maintained now but I still monitor it for PR's. - rudrapwn/secureum-mind_map: This repo is less actively maintained now but I still monitor it for PR's.
Solidity by Example | 0.8.10
0xperp/defi-derivatives: A hopefully comprehensive guide to the defi derivative landscape
A hopefully comprehensive guide to the defi derivative landscape - 0xperp/defi-derivatives: A hopefully comprehensive guide to the defi derivative landscape
Contribute to bryanhpchiang/protocol-reading-list development by creating an account on GitHub.
Some generic writeup about common gas optimizations, etc.
Some generic writeup about common gas optimizations, etc. -
cheatsheet.sol/cheatsheet.sol at main · patrickd-/cheatsheet.sol
Solidity – Compilable Cheatsheet. Contribute to patrickd-/cheatsheet.sol development by creating an account on GitHub.
rudrapwn/EthList: The Comprehensive Ethereum Reading List
The Comprehensive Ethereum Reading List. Contribute to rudrapwn/EthList development by creating an account on GitHub.
Understanding delegatecall And How to Use It Safely
Some developers are afraid of ‘delegatecall’ because they have been told it is “dangerous”. Fear and danger come from not understanding how something works and how to use it safely. For example most of us are not afraid to drive a car because we understand enough about how it works and we know how to do it safely.
Scanate/EthList: The Comprehensive Ethereum Reading List
The Comprehensive Ethereum Reading List. Contribute to Scanate/EthList development by creating an account on GitHub.
manojpramesh/solidity-cheatsheet: Cheat sheet and best practices for solidity. Write smart contracts for Ethereum.
Cheat sheet and best practices for solidity. Write smart contracts for Ethereum. - manojpramesh/solidity-cheatsheet: Cheat sheet and best practices for solidity. Write smart contracts for Ethereum.
CryptoZombies Lesson 14| Learn to code games on Ethereum
CryptoZombies is The Most Popular, Interactive Solidity Tutorial That Will Help You Learn Blockchain Programming on Ethereum by Building Your Own Fun Game with Zombies — Master Blockchain Development with Web3, Infura, Metamask & Ethereum Smart Contracts and Become a Blockchain Developer in Record Time!
GitHub - Rari-Capital/solcurity: Opinionated security and code quality standard for Solidity smart contracts.
Opinionated security and code quality standard for Solidity smart contracts. - GitHub - Rari-Capital/solcurity: Opinionated security and code quality standard for Solidity smart contracts.
thenewboston Blockchain Tutorials - YouTube
Official playlist for thenewboston Blockchain tutorials!
Ethereum Tutorials - YouTube
Public vs External Functions in Solidity
I have been going through functions in smart contracts code I am creating and decided to make it more explicit as per this best practice .
How to become a smart contract auditor | cmichel
From time to time, I receive messages asking me for advice on how to get started as a smart contract security auditor. While there are…
Merkle proof standardised format
The Merkle proof is fundamental to the Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) model that underpins bitcoin scaling.
#1 Solidity Tutorial & Ethereum Blockchain Programming Course | CryptoZombies
CryptoZombies is The Most Popular, Interactive Solidity Tutorial That Will Help You Learn Blockchain Programming on Ethereum by Building Your Own Fun Game with Zombies — Master Blockchain Development with Web3, Infura, Metamask & Ethereum Smart Contractsand Become a Blockchain Developer in Record Time!. · Learn Web3 development
A curated overview of the best and latest resources on Ethereum, blockchain and Web3 development.