EFX Sports Karbolyn Fuel | Pre, Intra, Post Workout Carbohydrate Supplement Powder | Carb Load, Energize, Improve Recover Faster | Easy to Mix | Blue Razz Watermelon (4 LB 4.8 OZ) from EFX Sports

EFX Sports Karbolyn Fuel | Pre, Intra, Post Workout Carbohydrate Supplement Powder | Carb Load, Energize, Improve Recover Faster | Easy to Mix | Blue Razz Watermelon (4 LB 4.8 OZ) from EFX Sports
EFX Sports Karbolyn Fuel | Pre, Intra, Post Workout Carbohydrate Supplement Powder | Carb Load, Energize, Improve Recover Faster | Easy to Mix | Blue Razz Watermelon (4 LB 4.8 OZ) from EFX Sports
⤠FOOD-BASED, FAST-ACTING FUEL ֠Karbolyn is a clinically studied (with peer-reviewed, published research) carbohydrate supplement powder sourced from potato, rice, and corn. Itҳ designed for elite athletes looking for a fast, safe, and high-performance way to quickly and easily load muscles with lasting energy and for faster recovery. Ӄarb loadԠwith Karbolyn in minutes, not hours before your event or training session! ⤠ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES ֠Absolutely nothing fuels your monster workouts like Karbolyn! It enters the bloodstream like a simple sugar, yet it still provides sustained energy without "crashing". Karbolyn is absorbed faster than dextrose, simple sugar, bread, pasta, rice, and other carbohydrate products sold in the marketplace - simple or complex. Pros worldwide use it for a reason! ⤠POWER, PUMPS, & PEAK PERFORMANCE ֠Do you want to Outlast, Outmuscle and Outperform anything in your way? Then stop messing around with overhyped copycat products that would never make it past our lab. Use Karbolyn Pre/Intra/Post training to maximize and maintain high-intensity training levels, power output, for greater muscle hardness and fullnessŠand pumps like youҶe never experienced before! ⤠THE REAL SPORTS DRINK ֠Forget those sugar-filled ӳportsԠdrinks that do very little to help fuel your game or workout. Karbolyn is 100% sugar-free, gluten-free, stimulant-free, and vegan-friendly. Ever use a carb powder that gels or clumps like cement? Most are shocked at how easily Karbolyn mixes and how delicious it tastes. The bottom line: Karbolyn ensures you are optimizing your glycogen stores before, during, and after trainingŷithout feeling bloated, lethargic, or cramping! ⤠WE MANUFACTURE OUR OWN PRODUCTS ֠EFX Sports is part of a very small, elite group of brands who actually make their own products. Thatҳ why we can unquestionably guarantee Karbolyn always meets label claims and is 100% banned-substance free (certified by Informed Sport). When you use Karbolyn by EFX Sports, you have the purest, most potent carbohydrate product available anywhere!
EFX Sports Karbolyn Fuel | Pre, Intra, Post Workout Carbohydrate Supplement Powder | Carb Load, Energize, Improve Recover Faster | Easy to Mix | Blue Razz Watermelon (4 LB 4.8 OZ) from EFX Sports