
10up Engineering Practices now mandate baseline accessibility standards
10up Engineering Practices now mandate baseline accessibility standards
One year ago, the popular government policy magazine Open Access Government stated, “Accessibility for all is not an option – it’s a fundamental right.” Creating equal access to digital content, regardless of age, size, ability, or disability, has always been a priority for 10up; it is inseparable from our mission to make a better internet [...]
10up Engineering Practices now mandate baseline accessibility standards
Let WordPress Speak: New in WordPress 4.2
Let WordPress Speak: New in WordPress 4.2
Written by Andrea Fercia & Joe Dolson WordPress 4.2 is shipping with a useful new JavaScript method: wp.a11y.speak(). This is a utility to make it easy for WordPress core to create consistent m…
Let WordPress Speak: New in WordPress 4.2
How to be “Accessibility Ready” This is an optional stage of the theme review process. Submitted themes (or theme updates) that use the tag accessibility-ready will undergo an accessibi…
Get Involved
Get Involved
Hello, are you interested in joining the Make WordPress Accessible team? Or are you just interested in finding out what we’re up to? This page explains a bit about what the team does, and how you c…
Get Involved
Slides from WordCamp Europe
Slides from WordCamp Europe
This post is just a stub for now so that you can access my slides during my talk. Later on I will add some links, tweets, and some of the animated GIFs I use in the slides (since they do not display i…
Slides from WordCamp Europe