Rising to Meet the Telehealth Accessibility Challenge in the Time of COVID-19
Accessibility in telehealth must be prioritized now to avoid dangerous barriers for some individuals with disabilities, brought to you by the Bureau of Internet Accessibility.
Impacts of Economy Reopening from COVID-19 on Independence & Accessibility: A Talk with Esubalew Johnston
One man's story on how social and shopping safety with blindness would be improved with awareness, brought to you by the Bureau of Internet Accessibility.
Thanks to Covid-19, Website Accessibility Has Never Been More Important | Webdesigner Depot
The first global pandemic of the digital era is upon us. We're living in unprecedented and uncomfortable times. For our senior citizens, these past several weeks have been particularly discomfort
What on Earth Does the Coronavirus Have to Do with Digital Accessibility?
Sometimes it takes a huge event to understand the importance of accessibility. Learn about one of those here, brought to you by the Bureau of Internet Accessibility.