Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools ListAccessibility resources free online from the international standards organization: W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).#accessibility#software#services#testing·w3.org·Oct 5, 2024Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List
Overlay Fact SheetAn open letter about accessibility overlays.#accessibility#software#overlays·overlayfactsheet.com·Mar 22, 2022Overlay Fact Sheet
NVDA (NV Access) Download PageVisit the post for more.#accessibility#software#Windows 10·nvaccess.org·Aug 8, 2021NVDA (NV Access) Download Page
Serenade | Code with voiceWith Serenade, you can write code using natural speech. Give your hands a break without missing a beat.#development#software#accessibility·serenade.ai·Oct 2, 2020Serenade | Code with voice