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10up Engineering Practices now mandate baseline accessibility standards
10up Engineering Practices now mandate baseline accessibility standards
One year ago, the popular government policy magazine Open Access Government stated, “Accessibility for all is not an option – it’s a fundamental right.” Creating equal access to digital content, regardless of age, size, ability, or disability, has always been a priority for 10up; it is inseparable from our mission to make a better internet [...]
10up Engineering Practices now mandate baseline accessibility standards
Some Things About `alt` Text | CSS-Tricks
Some Things About `alt` Text | CSS-Tricks
I'm sure you know about alt text. It's the attribute on the image tag that has the important task of describing what that image is for someone who can't see it for any reason. Please use them. I don't want to dimish the please use them message, but some interesting alt-text-related things have come up in my
Some Things About `alt` Text | CSS-Tricks
How to Make Your Website More Accessible
How to Make Your Website More Accessible
Is your website accessible to those with a disability? Approximately 56.7 million Americans have a disability. Unfortunately, the majority of websites, even newly built ones, do not meet accessibility standards. If you haven’t considered accessibility until now, your site most likely has barriers that make it difficult for anyone with a disability to view and …
How to Make Your Website More Accessible
Let WordPress Speak: New in WordPress 4.2
Let WordPress Speak: New in WordPress 4.2
Written by Andrea Fercia & Joe Dolson WordPress 4.2 is shipping with a useful new JavaScript method: wp.a11y.speak(). This is a utility to make it easy for WordPress core to create consistent m…
Let WordPress Speak: New in WordPress 4.2
Accessibility Through Semantic HTML
Accessibility Through Semantic HTML
Laura Kalbag takes us back to basics to make sure we consider accessibility when structuring our HTML. The Christmas tree needs to be standing firm before we drape it in lights and tinsel, and until you lot start doing it, we’re not going to stop preaching it.
Accessibility Through Semantic HTML
Check Accessibility
Check Accessibility
Automated testing is the first step toward determining if your website is accessible to people with disabilities, including those using assistive technologies like screen readers, screen magnifiers, s…
Check Accessibility
IDI Web Accessibility Checker : Web Accessibility Checker
IDI Web Accessibility Checker : Web Accessibility Checker
AChecker is a Web accessibility evalution tool designed to help Web content developers and Web application developers ensure their Web content is accessible to everyone regardless to the technology th…
IDI Web Accessibility Checker : Web Accessibility Checker
Automating Your Accessibility Tests
Automating Your Accessibility Tests
Seren Davies reminds us that unlike Christmas, accessibility testing should not come but once a year with a look at how to apply automated testing. By configuring tests to run against each commit, you can ensure that your site’s accessibility compliance need not be left to chance.
Automating Your Accessibility Tests
7 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about Accessibility
7 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about Accessibility
Accessibility enables people with disabilities to perceive, understand, navigate, interact with, and contribute to the web. Imagine a world where developers know everything there is to know about acce…
7 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about Accessibility
Improving The Color Accessibility For Color-Blind Users
Improving The Color Accessibility For Color-Blind Users
According to Colour Blind Awareness [4.5% of the population are color-blind]( If your audience is mostly male this increases to 8%. Designing for color-blind people can be easily forgotten because most designers _aren't_ color-blind. In this article I provide 13 tips to improve the experience for color-blind people – something which can often benefit people with normal vision too. There are [many types]( of color blindness but it comes down to not seeing co...
Improving The Color Accessibility For Color-Blind Users
Stop Designing For Only 85% Of Users: Nailing Accessibility In Design
Stop Designing For Only 85% Of Users: Nailing Accessibility In Design
As designers, we like to think we are solution-based. But whereas we wouldn’t hesitate to call out a museum made inaccessible by a lack of wheelchair ramps, many of us still remain somewhat oblivious to flaws in our user interfaces. Poor visual design, in particular, can be a barrier to a good user experience. Whereas disability advocacy has long **focused on ways to help the user adapt** to the situation, we have reached a point where users expect products to be optimized for a broad range of needs.
Stop Designing For Only 85% Of Users: Nailing Accessibility In Design