Why Do All These 20-Somethings Have Closed Captions Turned On?As automatic captioning on TikTok and creative audio descriptions on Netflix go mainstream, so does accessibility.#accessibility#transcription#video·wsj.com·Sep 22, 2022Why Do All These 20-Somethings Have Closed Captions Turned On?
Empire Caption SolutionsWork with ECS to create beautiful captions that speak to your audience and stay within your budgetOur ServicesA verbatim transcript with 99% accuracy provides#accessibility#transcription·empirecaptions.com·Mar 22, 2022Empire Caption Solutions
SiriusXM sued for failing to provide podcast transcripts for Deaf usersSiriusXM owns Pandora and Stitcher, which are also named in the suit.#accessibility#podcasting#transcription·theverge.com·Dec 19, 2021SiriusXM sued for failing to provide podcast transcripts for Deaf users
How Deaf Advocates Won the Battle for Closed CaptioningWhenever people "watch captions in noisy environments such as gyms and bars, they have the deaf community to thank."#accessibility#transcription#history·time.com·Aug 11, 2021How Deaf Advocates Won the Battle for Closed Captioning