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Cat Noone on designing for accessibility and inclusion | Inside Design Blog
Cat Noone on designing for accessibility and inclusion | Inside Design Blog
There’s no good design that isn’t accessible. In partnership with Dribbble, we’ve put together a series of Q&As with designers on the forefront of accessibility and inclusivity—this time, Cat Noone—for their thoughts, stories, and helpful hints.
Cat Noone on designing for accessibility and inclusion | Inside Design Blog
HoverSeat - Online Store | Sitting Attachment for Hoverboard!
HoverSeat - Online Store | Sitting Attachment for Hoverboard!
HoverSeat Website & Online Store. We created the patent pending HoverSeat to solve the problems of hoverboards. We know that hoverboards are unsafe, so HoverSeat created a new, fun & safe mode of transportation that virtually anyone can drive. The HoverSeat is comfortable, versatile and has many practical uses.
HoverSeat - Online Store | Sitting Attachment for Hoverboard!
Enforcing Accessibility Best Practices with Component PropTypes
Enforcing Accessibility Best Practices with Component PropTypes
I'm diving into React a lot more, and I'm specifically focused on making rock-solid, dumb presentational components that can be ingested by other applications. Part of making these components rock-solid is providing some definition and guardrails for the props associated with each component. E
Enforcing Accessibility Best Practices with Component PropTypes
Read color hex codes - David DeSandro at dotCSS 2018
Read color hex codes - David DeSandro at dotCSS 2018
How does a colorblind designer work with color? Not with his eyes! Instead David relies on reading color hex codes. He shares his process into understanding those six-digit codes and related insights into human vision, computer history, and digital color.
Read color hex codes - David DeSandro at dotCSS 2018
Accessibility Cheatsheet
Accessibility Cheatsheet
Practical approaches to Universal Design for making your website/webapp accessible to everyone
Accessibility Cheatsheet
Accessibility inspector
Accessibility inspector
The accessibility inspector provides a means to access important information exposed to assistive technologies on the current page via the accessibility tree, allowing you to check what's missing or otherwise needs attention. This article takes you through the main features of the accessibility inspector and how to use it.
Accessibility inspector