Tota11y bookmarklet test
How to write good ALT text for Accessibility and Search Engines | Zen Web
Learn to write ALT text that is both accessible for users and brings traffic to your website
What I Learned by Relearning HTML
Web Accessibility for Newbies
In the current world of ubiquitous computing and an industry-wide desire to improve company and product diversity and inclusion, there’s no longer an excuse to not invest in web accessibility. That…
AccessAbility Playbook: Delivering accessible client service - ESDC / Accessible Client Service Centre of Expertise
The AccessAbility Playbook is part of a broader commitment to make Canada’s public service the most accessible and inclusive in the world.
All about the presentation: don’t let accessibility slide - TPGi
Making your PowerPoint presentation files accessible is one thing, but how you present, introduce and explain your content is equally important.
The Readability Group | Home
What’s In A Word?
Gareth Ford Williams, with thanks to Bruno Maag for both editing and the sciency bits, and David Bailey for the Illustrations.
Flawed data is putting people with disabilities at risk
Our products are long overdue for a new, fairer data framework to ensure that data is managed with people with disabilities in mind.
Six actions that will destroy disability/diversity ally credibility
Believe me when I say that for all underrepresented communities, including disability, actions speak WAY louder than words.
Accessibility and Online Surveys
Because “COMPANY NAME doesn’t want input from people with disabilities” is a crappy headline that is SUPER avoidable
What one wheelchair user thinks about being called “wheelchair-bound”
The phrase is still in widespread use and needs to be banished, just like the “r” word
Accessibility is a Marketing Advantage - Christopher S. Penn - Marketing Data Science Keynote Speaker
Accessibility is a Marketing Advantage Katie Martell recently pointed out the following:
I wrote the book on user-friendly design. What I see today horrifies me
The world is designed against the elderly, writes Don Norman, 83-year-old author of the industry bible Design of Everyday Things and a former Apple VP.
Stark opens its doors to the Public Library
All about the Public Library launch, our acquisition of a11yresource, and how we’re setting out to help shape the future of accessibility education and community.
Acceptance is an Action: ASAN Statement on 10th Anniversary of AAM
ASAN is pleased to commemorate the 10th annual Autism Acceptance Month this year. Over the past ten years, autistic advocates have transformed our society’s conversation around autism — but much remains to be done before we can truly fulfill the promise of autism acceptance. Autism Acceptance Month was created by and for the autistic community …
"Blind people don't visit my website." - The A11Y Collective
We tend to develop and design for perfect people in a perfect environment. But should we? Web accessibility is about you!
Homepage - Disability:IN
Good, Better, Best: Untangling The Complex World Of Accessible Patterns — Smashing Magazine
How do we know which patterns are good, better, best when it comes to accessibility? Is it better to use an established pattern/library or create new ones? With the myriad of choices available, we can quickly become caught up in a web of confusion on this topic.
Accessible Text Labels For All
Freelance Front-End Web UI/UX Developer - Lebanon
Guide to screen reader testing for sighted web developers | The Big Hack
Screen readers are used by blind & visually impaired website users, but sighted web developers can use this guide to conduct UX testing before launch.
ALT text on Instagram Photos: How to use it Like a Professional? - Preview App
Social media leaves behind deaf people without automatic captions - The Washington Post
Chrome now instantly captions audio and video on the web - The Verge
The feature makes audio and video a lot more accessible in the browser.
prefers-reduced-motion: Taking a no-motion-first approach to animations
Animations should be an enhancement, not critical to a user's understanding
People With Disabilities Say This AI Tool Is Making the Web Worse for Them
AccessiBe aims to make the internet fully accessible to the visually impaired by 2025—but activists say the company's AI is making things worse.
The Dangerous Path of the Accessibility Overlay - Joe Dolson Web Accessibility
Without naming any names - because it doesn't really matter which tool it is - an …
An Accessible Current Page Navigation State
Design and technical considerations behind the icon that indicates what page you're currently on.
A Call-to-Action to Make Your Calls-to-Action Accessible
The right CTA can make all the difference. Making it accessible instantly makes it more effective, brought to you by the Bureau of Internet Accessibility.
WCAG 2.2: What changes and how does it impact users? | Fable
Kate Kalcevich documents the major changes of WCAG 2.2 and Samuel Proulx provides an assistive technology user perspective.