Carousel with drag and wheel
12 Days of Web
A year-end celebration of fundamental web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Helping Browsers Optimize With The CSS Contain Property — Smashing Magazine
The CSS contain property gives you a way to explain your layout to the browser, so performance optimizations can be made. However, it does come with some side effects in terms of your layout.
Developing a Javascript-free frontend
PreludeI built the first version of Slimvoice on Angular 1 with a Node.js backend and MongoDB in 2014 (those were all the rage back then). In 2015 I decided to completely revamp the UI and redesigned and rebuilt it in React. In hindsight, all of that was crap. With the new version I wanted to prove that it ...
Is there any value in people who cannot write JavaScript?
I recently had the opportunity to speak at Web Directions Code 2017 over in Melbourne. While there, I was part of a panel with Mark…
Using CSS Transitions on the Height Property
How to successfully animate the height of an element using CSS transitions.
D3 and CSS Grid with expanding content – Andy Barefoot – Medium
Combining D3 and CSS to create a flexible content grid with expandable content and sorting. Spoiler alert: Completed project on Codepen.
The browser with 300 million users that's breaking your site
Modern CSS and JavaScript don't work in it, so what can be done?