Decoding CSS Selectors: :has(:not) vs :not(:has) | Polypane
CSS functions like :is(), :not() and :has() are powerful tools that make it much easier to select elements specifically. We've written before about how ::where…
One of my favorite not-so-new aspects of CSS is the :empty pseudo-class.
You can use this to target elements that have no children—either child elements or whitespace and text nodes—and style them differently than they would be otherwise.
For example, imagine you have some CSS to layout items in a row using flexbox…
.grid-flex { display: flex; gap: 1rem; } .grid-flex div { background-color: #ffdc00; border: 1px solid #665800; color: #665800; padding: 1rem 2rem; text-align: center; } And a row of items generated from an API or database or something.
Pure CSS Halftone Effect in 3 Declarations – Frontend Masters Boost
A halftone is a pattern of dots that vary in size and spacing. It's a printing technique that you normally don't see, but blown up in size, is a cool aesthetic. This is a deep dive on how it can be done in CSS alone, starting quite simply!
Victor Ayomipo experiments with the CSS `min()` function, exploring its flexibility with different units to determine if it is the be-all, end-all for responsiveness. Discover the cautions he highlights against dogmatic approaches to web design based on his findings.
Getting Started with Style Queries | CSS and UI | Chrome for Developers
Style queries allow developers to query a parent element's style values using the @container rule. In Chrome 111, style queries for CSS custom properties are landing stable. Learn how to get started with them.
Learn about CSS Anchor Positioning, including its syntax, properties, how it is used to position one element next to another, and even how it's used to resize elements relative to other elements.
We've all been there: you're working on a website and need to display a row of logos—clients, partners, sponsors—you name it. However, logos come in all shapes and sizes, and making them look good together can be quite challenging. How do you get...
Split Effects with no Content Duplication – Frontend Masters Boost
The `clip-path` property with the `inset()` shape makes for some cool design opportunities. Here we'll expand on some existing ideas, improving them by not requiring any content duplication.
“Smart” Layouts With Container Queries | CSS-Tricks
Modern CSS keeps giving us a lot of new, easier ways to solve old problems, but often the new features we’re getting don’t only solve old problems, they open
We’ve Got Container Queries Now, But Are We Actually Using Them? – Frontend Masters Boost
CSS developers got the ultimate dream: container queries. But now that they are here, are we actually reaching for them as much as we thought we would?