Exploring color-contrast() for the First Time | CSS-Tricks
I saw in the release notes for Safari Technical Preview 122 that it has support for a color-contrast() function in CSS. Safari is first out of the gate
Modern CSS Upgrades To Improve Accessibility | Modern CSS Solutions
Accessibility is a critical skill for developers doing work at any point in the stack. For front-end tasks, modern CSS provides capabilities we can leverage to make layouts more accessibly inclusive for users of all abilities across any device.
Let’s review the potential accessibility problems that grid layout could cause. These issues essentially center around the concept of disconnecting the source from the visual display.
Writing even more CSS with Accessibility in Mind, Part 1: Progressive Enhancement
Progressive enhancement is amazing. Building websites layer by layer allows for a cleaner separation of concerns, which makes the website more accessible.
Modern CSS Techniques To Improve Legibility — Smashing Magazine
In this article, we cover how we can improve websites legibility using some modern CSS techniques, great new technologies like variable fonts and putting into practise what we learned from doing scientific researches.
Adding prefers-contrast to Firefox - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
When we talk about the contrast of a page, or contrast between web elements, we’re assessing how color choices impact readability. For visitors with low vision, web pages with low ...
Whether you call them cards, block links, or some other thing, the construct of making an area of content clickable (tappable, Enter-key-able, voice-activatable, etc.) is not new. While hit area size is mostly a usability issue, marketers often want a larger click area around their calls to action (CTAs) to…
This post has two separate but related things going on. One is an example of one of my responsive tables with ARIA added, and the other is the Twitter conversation that started this along with some generalized responses. Responsive Table with Semantics Retained by ARIA The Tweet What You Can…
There are various ways to hide content in web interfaces, but are you aware of the different effects they have on the accessibility of that content? While so...
Some of the components I've explored here have specific standardized requirements in order to work as expected. Tab interfaces, for example, have a prescribed structure and a set of interaction behaviors as mandated by the WAI-ARIA specification. It's at your discretion how closely you follow these requirements. Research may show
Not everyone uses a mouse to browse the internet. If you’re reading this post on a smartphone, this is obvious! What’s also worth pointing out is that there are other forms of input that people use to get things done. With these forms of input comes the need for focus styles. People People are complicated. We don’t