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Alternating Style Queries
Alternating Style Queries
With the container style queries on the horizon, it is a good time to do more experiments with them. In one of my recent experiments, I found out that style queries will allow us to do what the currently specified (but not implemented by anyone) function `toggle()` was supposed to.
Alternating Style Queries
Sliding Doors of CSS
Sliding Doors of CSS
Image-driven, visually compelling user interfaces. Text-based, semantic markup. Now you can have both! Douglas Bowman’s sliding doors method of CSS design offers sophisticated graphics that squash and stretch while delivering meaningful XHTML text. Have your cake and eat it, too!
Sliding Doors of CSS
The backdrop-filter CSS property | CSS-Tricks
The backdrop-filter CSS property | CSS-Tricks
I had never heard of the backdrop-filter property until yesterday, but after a couple of hours messing around with it I’m positive that it’s nothing more than magic. This is because it adds filters (like changing the hue, contrast or blur) of the background of an element without changing the text or other elements
The backdrop-filter CSS property | CSS-Tricks
background-blend-mode | CSS-Tricks
background-blend-mode | CSS-Tricks
The background-blend-mode property defines how an element's background-image should blend with its background-color: .container { background-image: url('image.jpg'); background-color: red; background-blend-mode: screen; } See the Pen background-blend-mode by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen. In the demo above, the
background-blend-mode | CSS-Tricks