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How to use CSS masking
How to use CSS masking
CSS masking gives you the option of using an image as a mask layer. This means that use can use an image, an SVG, or a gradient as your mask, to create interested effects without an image editor.
How to use CSS masking
How CSS Perspective Works | CSS-Tricks
How CSS Perspective Works | CSS-Tricks
As someone who loves creating CSS animations, one of the more powerful tools I use is perspective. While the perspective property is not capable of 3D
How CSS Perspective Works | CSS-Tricks
Custom bullets with CSS ::marker
Custom bullets with CSS ::marker
It is now trivial to customize the color, size or type of number or bullet when using a or .
Custom bullets with CSS ::marker
The Thing With Leading in CSS
The Thing With Leading in CSS
Matthias Ott is an independent user experience designer and developer from Stuttgart, Germany. Besides design practice he teaches Interface Prototyping at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel.
The Thing With Leading in CSS
line-clamp CSS guide
line-clamp CSS guide
The line-clamp property is a way to truncate text at a specific number of lines. At time of writing the spec is currently in Editor's Draft which means it could change before it's first published.
line-clamp CSS guide
What Happens When Border Radii Overlap? | CSS-Tricks
What Happens When Border Radii Overlap? | CSS-Tricks
I’d wager that most times we’re rounding box corners in CSS, we’re applying a uniform border-radius value across the border. It’s a nice touch of polish
What Happens When Border Radii Overlap? | CSS-Tricks
Gradient angles in CSS, Figma & Sketch
Gradient angles in CSS, Figma & Sketch
Do you know the feeling when a subject never lets you go? In the last years, I have worked with different graphics programs and have written many lines of CSS. Even though it is now easy to copy CSS code for gradients directly from e.g. Figma, I always had the feeling that gradients in graphics programs behave somewhat differently than gradients created with CSS. Especially the angle of a gradient sometimes seemed more like a random product to me. In the end, copying the CSS code often leads to
Gradient angles in CSS, Figma & Sketch
Drop-Shadow: The Underrated CSS Filter
Drop-Shadow: The Underrated CSS Filter
If you’re familiar with CSS, you probably know all about the box-shadow property. But did you know there is a CSS filter, drop-shadow, that…
Drop-Shadow: The Underrated CSS Filter
content-visibility: the new CSS property that boosts your rendering performance
content-visibility: the new CSS property that boosts your rendering performance
The CSS content-visibility property enables web content rendering performance benefits by skipping rendering of off-screen content. This article shows you how to leverage this new CSS property for faster initial load times, using the auto keyword. You will also learn about the CSS Containment Spec and other values for content-visibility that give you more control over how your content renders in the browser.
content-visibility: the new CSS property that boosts your rendering performance
18+ CSS book effect
18+ CSS book effect
Latest Collection of free HTML and CSS book effect code examples: 3d, animation, flip, layout, etc. 3D Book Showcase, 3D Book Design
18+ CSS book effect