How To Build An Expandable Accessible Gallery — Smashing Magazine
In this article, we’ll be looking at how to set up a gallery that is expandable as well as accessible with a few tips and tricks along the way. Let’s get started!
Practical Uses of CSS Math Functions: calc, clamp, min, max | Modern CSS Solutions
Review the four best supported CSS math functions, and see how they can be used in both practical and unexpected ways, such as within gradients and color functions and in combination with CSS custom properties.
This week we’ll take a look at the new aspect-ratio declaration and its use. Una Kravets wrote the introductory article, but there are some additional technical points to be made. I also wrote a little fallback that you might use...
Today we will look at fit-content and fit-content(), which are special values for width and grid definitions. It’s ... complicated — not as a concept, but in its practical application....
As developers, when using modern UI libraries and frameworks like React, Vue or Web Components, we often like to write our CSS specifically for a single component. That way we c...
A Complete Guide to Custom Properties | CSS-Tricks
Everything important and useful to know about CSS Custom Properties. Like that they are often referred to as "CSS Variables" but that's not their real name.
Taming Blend Modes: `difference` and `exclusion` | CSS-Tricks
Up until 2020, blend modes were a feature I hadn't used much because I rarely ever had any idea what result they could produce without giving them a try
The Future of CSS: Scroll-Linked Animations with @scroll-timeline (Part 2) –
Let's take a look at how we can create Scroll-Linked Animations that use Element-based Offsets using @scroll-timeline from the “Scroll-linked Animations“ CSS Specification.
Diving into the ::before and ::after Pseudo-Elements / Coder's Block
The ::before and ::after pseudo-elements are incredibly versatile tools in the CSS toolkit. Understanding them can help you craft practical CSS to solve all...
Create Responsive Image Effects With CSS Gradients And aspect-ratio — Smashing Magazine
A classic problem in CSS is maintaining the aspect ratio of images across related components, such as cards. The newly supported `aspect-ratio` property in combination with `object-fit` provides a remedy to this headache of the past! Let’s learn to use these properties, in addition to creating a responsive gradient image effect for extra flair.
Let’s talk shadows in web design. Shadows add texture, perspective, and emphasize the dimensions of objects. In web design, using light and shadow can add
We mentioned a way to make a CSS-only carousel in a recent issue of the newsletter and I thought that a more detailed write up would be interesting and
It's kind of amazing how far HTML and CSS will take you when building a carousel/slideshow. Setting some boxes in a horizontal row with flexbox is easy.