(2) Pratham 👨💻🚀 on Twitter: "Hey👋🏼 Do you like my new Twitter header that I just created using CSS? If yes this thread is for you😄 I implemented GLASSMORPHISM which is a latest emerging trend in designing. You can also create one it's pretty easy. Let's see THREAD 🧵 https://t.co/odLDrxVhhV" / Twitter
Hey👋🏼Do you like my new Twitter header that I just created using CSS? If yes this thread is for you😄I implemented GLASSMORPHISM which is a latest emerging trend in designing. You can also create one it's pretty easy. Let's seeTHREAD 🧵 pic.twitter.com/odLDrxVhhV— Pratham 👨💻🚀 (@Prathkum) January 1, 2021