In this tutorial you’ll learn about using gradients on the web. I’ll give you some examples, some exercises (such as how to create gradients for borders), and I’ll also throw in some useful...
Layout is a design and WordPress blog covering thought-provoking topics that show you the next step for your business, improve your process, and inspire your designs.
I bookmarked a tweet a few months ago, as it was a bonafide CSS trick and that's what we love around here. The issue is: how do we make a full-browser-widt
Adding Flexbox CSS to WooCommerce Shop and Products
You can add Flexbox to WooCommerce shop page, product category archives and related products rows and actual products with a few lines of CSS – this will ensure that the products will line up nicely a…
Sometimes you may want to tint an image or add a gradient. This can obviously be done with an image editor like Photoshop, but it can also be done purely with CSS using the background property. Using …
How to create 3D designs with the CSS3 transform property
Layout is a design and WordPress blog covering thought-provoking topics that show you the next step for your business, improve your process, and inspire your designs.
What is the difference between CSS variables and preprocessor variables?
Variables are one of the major reasons CSS preprocessors exist at all. The ability to set a variable for something like a color, use that variable througho
Let's take a look at what it takes to build a grid overlay with CSS. It will be responsive, easily customizable and make heavy use of CSS variables (known
Text Effects with CSS (and a little contenteditable trick)
Mandy Michael has been creating some incredible text effects with just the power of CSS. She uses every trick in the book: gradients, transforms, pseudo el
One big reason to use image preloading is if you want to use an image for the background-image of an element on a mouseOver or :hover event. If you only ap
We get a lot of power through the single transform property in CSS - allowing us to rotate, translate, scale, and more all at once. But allowing all of those...
How to use Flexbox to create a modern card design layout
Layout is a design and WordPress blog covering thought-provoking topics that show you the next step for your business, improve your process, and inspire your designs.
Over at Medium, Jon Moore recently identified "non-rectangular headers" as a tiny trend. A la: it's not crazy popular yet, but just you wait, kiddo. We're talking about headers (or, more generally, an…
In this tutorial, we are going to explore CSS Exclusions. At the first glance, CSS Exclusions may look similar to CSS Shapes in that they wrap content around an element. Technically, however, they...
10 Easy Image Hover Effects You Can Copy and Paste | Design Shack
Sneak PeekBefore we get started, take a look at the demo below to see all of the various hover effects that we’ll be building.Demo: Click here to launch.SetupBefore we begin creating the individual de...
Centering The Last Item In A Flexbox Container | WP Beaches
I’m using flexbox more and really liking it, I’ve hit an issue a few times with center aligning the last item in an uneven row of elements inside a flexbox row container when using the justify-content...
A while ago, after reading Heydon Pickering's article on quantity queries, I had a go at it myself. I wrote a post on how we can use quantity queries in CSS to alter the width of items in a grid...
Adding a Sticky Footer to Genesis Theme with Flexbox | WP Beaches
A sticky footer refers to a web page footer that sticks to the foot of the page even when there is not a lot of content on the page, without one the footer will ride up leaving the layout somewhat uns...