Tools For Quality WordPress DevelopmentIt’s been quite a while since I’ve written anything for Tuts+ Code (which was previous Wptuts+ – the...#WordPress#development··Sep 22, 2015Tools For Quality WordPress Development
Bitbucket: Git and Mercurial code management for teamsUse a Git client, the web interface, or the command line. Unlimited private repositories Git or Merc...#development#deployment#services#Git#version control··Sep 19, 2015Bitbucket: Git and Mercurial code management for teams
GitHubGitHub is where people build software. More than 10 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and...#deployment#development#github#Git#version control··Sep 19, 2015GitHub
Codeship: Fast, secure and fully customizable continuous deploymentCodeship is a fast and secure hosted Continuous Delivery platform that scales with your needs.#development#services#deployment··Sep 19, 2015Codeship: Fast, secure and fully customizable continuous deployment
DeployBot – Deploy your code anywhereSign up for free Trusted by thousands of companies like: A List Apart Intuit Clearleft SanchoBBDO Re...#development#services#deployment··Sep 19, 2015DeployBot – Deploy your code anywhere
Bizness Apps - App Maker For Small BusinessesIt’s easy to draw the Monday night crowd when you have an app working for you. Check-in specials, lo...#apps#mobile#services··Sep 16, 2015Bizness Apps - App Maker For Small Businesses is a compendium of useful developer tools for working with WordPress. How WordPress-Gear ...#WordPress#development··Aug 4, 2015WordPress-Gear
What is Code? | Post Status"What is code?" Paul Ford answers the question, with a 38,000 word masterpiece in Bloomberg. This is...#development#reference··Jul 15, 2015What is Code? | Post Status
Getting Started With SCSS-LintHugo shows us how we can get started with SCSS-Lint to help write better Sass and CSS.#development#scss#lint#sass#CSS··Jul 15, 2015Getting Started With SCSS-Lint
Everything You Need to Know About Firefox Developer ToolsThe Firefox Developer Edition is a special version of Firefox that has been tailor-made for develope...#development#firefox#CSS··Jul 1, 2015Everything You Need to Know About Firefox Developer Tools
Sucuri Load Time TesterConnection Time First Byte Time Total Time#performance··Jun 16, 2015Sucuri Load Time Tester
21 Common Mistakes Ruining Your Website – And Free Tools To Fix Them | LayerthemesEvery business wants to launch a website that is going to set them apart from the rest of the people...#webdesign#utilities#usability··May 16, 201521 Common Mistakes Ruining Your Website – And Free Tools To Fix Them | Layerthemes
Test your website at different screen resolutions: Multi Screen Test#utilities#mobile#development#responsive··May 8, 2015Test your website at different screen resolutions: Multi Screen Test
Cross Browser Testing. Real mobile devices & browsers!“ We've used the service regularly since March of 2008 and fallen in love. It's fast, easy to use an...#development#mobile#responsive··May 7, 2015Cross Browser Testing. Real mobile devices & browsers!
Sauce Labs: Selenium Testing, Mobile Testing, JS Unit Testing and MoreCross browser testing made awesome. Selenium testing, mobile testing, JS unit testing on over 500 OS...#development#mobile#responsive··May 7, 2015Sauce Labs: Selenium Testing, Mobile Testing, JS Unit Testing and More
Browserling - Live interactive cross-browser testingFeatures Live interactive sessions Not just screenshots! You can interact with the browsers live as ...#WordPress#mobile#responsive#development··May 7, 2015Browserling - Live interactive cross-browser testing
Cross Browser Testing Tool. 300+ Browsers, Mobile, Real IE.Instant access to all desktop and mobile browsers. Say goodbye to your setup of virtual machines and...#development#responsive#mobile#utilities··May 7, 2015Cross Browser Testing Tool. 300+ Browsers, Mobile, Real IE.
40+ Awesome WordPress Development Tools | @thetorquemagMake building websites with WordPress quicker and easier and improve your workflow with these WordPr...#WordPress#development#utilities··May 7, 201540+ Awesome WordPress Development Tools | @thetorquemag
Home | Usability.govWorking with children and teens can be an enlightening experience. You can learn so much about how y...#webdesign#ux#usability··May 7, 2015Home |
RAMPEasy Content Deployment for WordPress. RAMP makes it easy to set up your content in your staging env...#WordPress#plugins#deployment#development#migration··May 5, 2015RAMP
WP-CFMWP-CFM: Configuration Management for WordPress Download on Deploying database changes ...#WordPress#plugins#development#deployment··May 5, 2015WP-CFM
WP PusherPain-free deployment of WordPress themes and plugins#WordPress#plugins#github#deployment#development··May 5, 2015WP Pusher
Deploying WordPress: What's your Workflow?Yesterday I posted some general tips and tricks for WordPress beginners on how to edit WordPress fil...#WordPress#deployment#migration#workflows··May 5, 2015Deploying WordPress: What's your Workflow?
The Best Web Development Tools You Probably Aren’t UsingAs a web developer, you’ll always come across bugs in your code and new development techniques that ...#development#apps#debugging··Apr 26, 2015The Best Web Development Tools You Probably Aren’t Using
Mobile App Development & App Creation Software - XamarinXamarin apps share code across all platforms. Target iOS, Android, Windows and Mac with a single, sh...#mobile#android#iOS#development··Apr 24, 2015Mobile App Development & App Creation Software - Xamarin | A Full-Fledged WordPress Cloud IDEWPide is a cloud based WordPress IDE that speeds up your WordPress Development#WordPress#development#IDEs··Apr 23, | A Full-Fledged WordPress Cloud IDE
Blackfire Profiler - Fire up your PHP App PerformanceBlackfire Profiler: Fire up your PHP Apps Performance#performance#optimization#development#PHP··Apr 23, 2015Blackfire Profiler - Fire up your PHP App Performance
Bootstrap CDNlinks to Bootstrap CDN files#jQuery#reference#frameworks··Apr 21, 2015Bootstrap CDN
Prepros :: Compile Less, Sass, CoffeeScript and much more with live browser refreshing.#CSS#sass#less··Apr 18, 2015Prepros :: Compile Less, Sass, CoffeeScript and much more with live browser refreshing.
Generate WordPress Plugin readme.txt fileWordPress plugin readme.txt file Generator tool for developers.#generator#WordPress··Apr 18, 2015Generate WordPress Plugin readme.txt file