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How to Optimize Local Development in 2017
How to Optimize Local Development in 2017
Making changes to your site can be risky. You might break a functionality that would deter potential readers or customers. Every developer should take steps to make sure all changes can be tested befo…
How to Optimize Local Development in 2017
Quick Start
Quick Start
Important You are viewing documentation for Sublimerge 3 which is currently in beta. It may happen that this documentation is not 100% complete and up-to-date. It may also describe features and/or set…
Quick Start
Diff Checker
Diff Checker
Diff Checker is an online diff tool to compare text to find the difference between two text files
Diff Checker
WordPress .gitignore
WordPress .gitignore
Originally when I started using Git with my WordPress projects, I checked in all the files (WordPress core, plugins, themes, and even uploads). Over time I’ve found that to be less than ideal. My pref…
WordPress .gitignore