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For fellow and future humans of the web – Rachel Cherry
For fellow and future humans of the web – Rachel Cherry
A recent interviewer asked me to share any words I had for "future Women in WordPress", this lovely subset of human being the focus of the article. In response, a stream of advice flowed out of me that shouldn't be solely reserved for women, but for all technologists. I hope this post serves to inspire…
For fellow and future humans of the web – Rachel Cherry
Itemizing Third-Party Scripts
Itemizing Third-Party Scripts
If I want to see all the third-party requests included with a webpage, I have a few options (that I know of): Look at the code in the and before the tags Use a browser extension like Ghostery to see what’s being served Utilize services like Calibre or SpeedCurve for in-depth analysis Inspect the page—use developer tools (network & sources panel)
Itemizing Third-Party Scripts
How To Enforce Code Standards In WordPress Development Using Composer
How To Enforce Code Standards In WordPress Development Using Composer
In my last article for Torque, I wrote about why I think that for PHP code following the coding standards set by the PHP community make more sense than those set for WordPress core. These standards are based on serving the needs of an existing legacy code base, limited to language features that are 10 …
How To Enforce Code Standards In WordPress Development Using Composer
Don't Follow WordPress Coding Standards
Don't Follow WordPress Coding Standards
When I started in WordPress development, I was very lucky that I found good quality tutorials by experienced developers such as Tom McFarlin and Pippin Williamson, who understood the ecosystem well. The more I learned, the more I came to value sticking to “The WordPress Way”. Since I learned plugin development by working as a …
Don't Follow WordPress Coding Standards
WordPressify is a modern workflow for your WordPress development, with integrated web server and auto-reload. Style pre-processors and ES6 ready.
[Tutorial] How to install Imagick
[Tutorial] How to install Imagick
Installing Imagick is really pain on other systems. However, it is trivial with Laragon if you follow these below steps (works with both Apache & Nginx): Download links: PHP Extension (PECL): Imagick ...
[Tutorial] How to install Imagick
README · Lando Documentation
README · Lando Documentation
Free yourself from the tyranny of inferior local development products. Begin by checking out the Installation Guide Then spin up one of our preconfigured recipe start states Backdrop Drupal 6 Drupal 7…
README · Lando Documentation
lando - You look absolutely beautiful!
7 Free Tools For Testing Responsive Layouts
7 Free Tools For Testing Responsive Layouts
Every modern website needs a responsive design. This does require more effort but the end result is worthwhile. I actually recommend testing your ideas with responsive design tools to see how your site looks at each stage. You can look for usability issues on different screen sizes all from one handy tool. And these free tools are my top picks for responsive testing since they're all super easy to use. Best of all these support many device sizes so you can get a good feeling for how your layout should look from smartphones to desktops. 1. XRespond The XRespond app calls itself a "virtual de...
7 Free Tools For Testing Responsive Layouts
Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers. Meld helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects. It provides two- and three-way comparison of both files and dir…