Tool-Up Time: The Very Best Front End Web Developer ToolsThe DebugMe team has put together a list of front end web developer tools which can be useful for ev...#development··Jul 2, 2016Tool-Up Time: The Very Best Front End Web Developer Tools
How to Write a Git Commit Message31 Aug 2014 | revision history Introduction | The Seven Rules | Tips Introduction: Why good commit m...#development#Git#version control··Jul 2, 2016How to Write a Git Commit Message
Basic PHP Design Patterns For WordPressMake your life as a developer simpler with these basic PHP Design Patterns. Stop repeating your moti...#WordPress#development#PHP··Jun 22, 2016Basic PHP Design Patterns For WordPress
The PHPStorm Debugger is Pretty AwesomeIn a previous post, I wrote about how awesome PHPStorm is in the context of being a front-end develo...#development#debugging··Jun 22, 2016The PHPStorm Debugger is Pretty Awesome
Be Awesome in PHPStormThe web has changed. No longer are we writing static HTML, throwing it on Geocities, and then callin...#development#videos#tutorials#PHP··Jun 7, 2016Be Awesome in PHPStorm
Chrome DevTools | Web Tools - Google DevelopersThe Chrome DevTools are Chrome's built-in authoring and debugging tool.#development#chrome··Jun 4, 2016Chrome DevTools | Web Tools - Google Developers
Firefox Developer EditionBuilt for those who build the Web. The only browser made for developers like you.#development#firefox··Jun 4, 2016Firefox Developer Edition
Installing VVVOverview Varying Vagrant Vagrants is an open source Vagrant configuration focused on WordPress devel...#WordPress#tutorials#development#VVV··Jun 4, 2016Installing VVV
Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVVVVV - Varying Vagrant Vagrants is an open source Vagrant configuration focused on WordPress developm...#development#VVV··Jun 4, 2016Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV
The Big GitHub Desktop and SourceTree Throwdown!Git and the command line can be a daunting prospect, luckily there are multiple Git GUIs, which work...#development#github#Git··Jun 4, 2016The Big GitHub Desktop and SourceTree Throwdown!
PHPStorm for Front-End DevelopersAs a developer, front-end or back-end, there is no lack of strong opinions on why or why not develop...#development#utilities#tutorials··May 31, 2016PHPStorm for Front-End Developers
HTML-CSS-JS Prettify - Packages - Package ControlAbout This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JS...#development#CSS··May 24, 2016HTML-CSS-JS Prettify - Packages - Package Control
39 Must-Have WordPress Development ToolsWordPress isn’t just for blogging. It’s a full-fledged CMS and undoubtedly a strong platform for dev...#development#resources··May 17, 201639 Must-Have WordPress Development Tools
A Quick Guide to the Terminal and Command Line Prompt for WordPressThe terminal is one of those things that seems scary for the uninitiated. It’s all text based and sp...#development#reference··May 17, 2016A Quick Guide to the Terminal and Command Line Prompt for WordPress
Version Control with GitOur learn section helps you get started with various web and software skills. Free online books, vid...#development#Git#version control··May 15, 2016Version Control with Git
40+ Awesome WordPress Development Tools | @thetorquemagMake building websites with WordPress quicker and easier and improve your workflow with these WordPr...#development#utilities··May 13, 201640+ Awesome WordPress Development Tools | @thetorquemag
The Ultimate WordPress Development EnvironmentMatt Geri explores the various modern development tools that can help take the headache and repetiti...#WordPress#development··May 4, 2016The Ultimate WordPress Development Environment
39 Must-Have WordPress Development ToolsWordPress isn’t just for blogging. It’s a full-fledged CMS and undoubtedly a strong platform for dev...#WordPress#development#utilities··May 1, 201639 Must-Have WordPress Development Tools
Essential Tools for Testing Cross-Browser Compatibility on Your WordPress SiteIf you’re not testing how your site looks and performs on different browsers, you really have no ide...#development#webdesign··May 1, 2016Essential Tools for Testing Cross-Browser Compatibility on Your WordPress Site
Examples of Refactoring PHP Code for Better ReadabilityRefactoring code is when you restructure existing code without changing its external behavior. Basic...#development#tutorials#PHP··Apr 27, 2016Examples of Refactoring PHP Code for Better Readability
What is the Difference Between a Style Guide and Pattern Library?In the past few years, the topic of Style Guides and Pattern Libraries has become widespread…but wha...#development#design#reference#style guides··Apr 12, 2016What is the Difference Between a Style Guide and Pattern Library?
Setting Up Sublime Text for WordPress DevelopmentWe show you how to set up Sublime Text for WordPress development, and share the packages that will h...#development#WordPress#tutorials··Mar 4, 2016Setting Up Sublime Text for WordPress Development
Installation - Package ControlSimple The simplest method of installation is through the Sublime Text console. The console is acces...#development··Mar 4, 2016Installation - Package Control
Browserbite - Automatic cross browser testingAutomatic cross browser testing#development#webdesign#services#rwd#responsive··Feb 27, 2016Browserbite - Automatic cross browser testing
Welcome to Zed | ZedWhat does it look like? What is it? Zed is a fully offline-capable, open source, keyboard-focused, t...#development#IDEs··Feb 27, 2016Welcome to Zed | Zed
Learn Enough Git to Be DangerousAn Introduction to Version Control with Git#development#tutorials#Git··Feb 27, 2016Learn Enough Git to Be Dangerous