We benchmarked Amazon’s new Aurora database for use with WordPress. Results within.
As an Amazon advanced technology partner we get a first look at Amazon’s new products and tools. At last year’s RE:Invent Amazon announced a new database product called Aurora, which […]
MariaDB vs MySQL, a Database Technologies Rundown
MariaDB vs MySQL: what's the difference bertween the two database technologies? Learn all the facts behind their story and how they impact WordPress!
WordPress Proposes Plan for 61% of WP Sites Using Outdated PHP
WordPress proposal to take action on publishers using insecure versions of PHP.
A Survival Guide to Migrating Away from your Failing WordPress Host
Not all hosts are created equal. When it comes to Managed WordPress Hosting, that fact is becoming ever more clear to us with near-daily sales calls from people with business-critical […]
WordPress Performance & Digging into PHP
Traffic surges and overall growth are an indicator of business success. A big splash of attention resulting in lots of people coming to your site means you’ve done something right, […]
Servebolt.com - Amazingly fast hosting
Servebolt is next level high performance hosting. Migrate to Servebolt, or just try it for free, and experience loading speeds you have never seen before.
World's Fastest WordPress Host: Matthew Woodward
Matt Woodward declared WPX Hosting the fastest WP host he ever tested. FREE Site Migrations, FREE SSLs Forever, FREE High-Speed CDN, 30 Second Average Support Response Time, PHP 7.3 Enabled. FREE Enterprise-Level Security. Simply The World's Best Managed WordPress Hosting.
Your own flawless WordPress server, spun up in minutes. Try it risk-free for 30 days.
WP Engine Best Practices
In this section we will cover the best ways to handle optimization, dynamic content, caching systems, and features specific to WP Engine’s platform. WP Engine and WordPress WordPress is a versatile and Open Source software, which means it is highly customizable. WP Engine manages many of these customizations for you, to ensure the best site …
A Tale Of Two WordPress Hosts - Crunchbase News
The WordPress hosting space may just simultaneously be one of the most lucrative, yet underfunded, industries out there.
10 Best Managed WordPress Hosting Services for 2018 - Compared
Managed WordPress hostings are suitable for websites on a large scale. Here is a list of the best Managed WordPress hosting sites we have compared for you!
Best Managed WordPress Hosting Compared • TOP 10 • 2018
What is managed WordPress hosting? Who needs it, when and why? Here's our complete guide to find the best managed WordPress hosting.
All The Best Managed WordPress Hosting Companies Compared (2018)
When it comes to WordPress hosting, the best in class are the specialist managed WordPress hosting services. But which of these to choose? Let's take a look at the best managed WordPress hosting providers for 2018...
Managed WordPress Hosting - WordPress sites perform better on DreamPress – DreamHost
Whether WordPress powers your blog, web store, or company website, DreamHost’s Managed WordPress hosting service is optimized for speed, reliability and simplicity
Using git with WordPress on SiteGround - Bill Erickson
I use SiteGround for most of my personal websites. I love it because I can create unlimited sites without any additional cost. I prefer to use git to deploy code rather than SFTP. I make my changes locally, and when I’m happy with it I push them with git push production master. SiteGround has git support…
Where Is WordPress Hosting Going? Better Prepare for Your Wix Experience
What does the WordPress hosting future look like? This post analyses what's next for WordPress hosting, and argues we'll see more "fully managed" solutions ahead.