10 reasonsyou SHOULDN’T work with me because I want to tell you the truth So after reading the title of this page you’re probably a bit intrigued, right? Great! Most people will have 10 reasons why to work with them but I’m a little bit different and I want to work with people I…
Do you believe you're qualified to be our client? We are a premium house and it takes more than your desire and cash to fund the project to work with us. We have requirements. Take a look at them to find out if we'll work with you or wave bye-bye as you look for someone else who will.
Working from home is often the first choice when you are a freelancer. Sometimes, freelancers travel, work from hotels, or go to coffee shops, but those aren’t your only options. How about a place you can get more business from […]
How to Land Your First Freelance Clients When Your Business is New
When you’re new to freelancing, there may be some clients who discover your services through organic web search. But if you’ve been in business for your...
Losing Business to Bad Developers? Here’s How to Stop That – and Sell Yourself
As cloud-based software, mobile apps, and online chat platforms make it easier to work outside the traditional office, we’re seeing the amount of freela...
9 pro tips for creating a strong web design portfolio website
Layout is a design and WordPress blog covering thought-provoking topics that show you the next step for your business, improve your process, and inspire your designs.
A freelancer's guide to starting a website - Pages from Freelancers Union
So you’ve got a business. Now it’s time to give it a home. A business’ website is the heart and nerve center of all of its activities. Obviously, it’s the place that hosts foundational information...