How to Use Automation to Build an Efficient and Profitable WordPress BusinessThe beauty of running a freelance WordPress business is that you have complete control of your time....#freelancing#productivity··Aug 6, 2015How to Use Automation to Build an Efficient and Profitable WordPress Business
Managing Client Chaos: Tools and Techniques to Help You Better Manage Client ProjectsWordPress web design projects usually run pretty smoothly, sometimes like clockwork. Clients sign-of...#freelancing#project management··Aug 6, 2015Managing Client Chaos: Tools and Techniques to Help You Better Manage Client Projects
OutsiteWork Increase your creativity and expand your personal and professional network with a community of ...#freelancing#coworking··Aug 5, 2015Outsite
Disruptive News for the On-Demand EconomyAnother day, another confirmation that the world of work is changing before our very eyes. If you&rs...#freelancing··Jul 15, 2015Disruptive News for the On-Demand Economy
How to break up with a client...without burning bridgesSo things haven’t been good between you two for a while – or at least, not like they use...#freelancing#client relationships··Jul 15, 2015How to break up with a client...without burning bridges
Developers: 8 Value Added Services You Can Offer Your WordPress ClientsThe WordPress Development arena can seem pretty darned competitive at times and in many ways, it is....#freelancing··Jul 15, 2015Developers: 8 Value Added Services You Can Offer Your WordPress Clients
Attracting Perfect Clients Archives - Troy DeanIn the first post in this series, I detailed the process for capturing leads from your website. Hope...#freelancing#marketing··Jul 15, 2015Attracting Perfect Clients Archives - Troy Dean
Avoid these seven common freelancer mistakesTo make your entry into freelancing as easy as possible, tap into the collective wisdom and avoid so...#freelancing··Jul 15, 2015Avoid these seven common freelancer mistakes
Red Flags in Business (For Self-Employment)Anyway, I thought it might be interesting - if anything - to begin sharing my experience as to what ...#WordPress#freelancing··Jul 15, 2015Red Flags in Business (For Self-Employment)
How to Create a WordPress Dev Business That Makes the Competition IrrelevantThere is no denying that competition is fierce in the WordPress space – regardless of whether you’re...#WordPress#freelancing··Jul 15, 2015How to Create a WordPress Dev Business That Makes the Competition Irrelevant
Codeable - How much does a WordPress site really cost?You can download it for free, so WordPress sites should be really cheap, right? It should just take ...#freelancing#WordPress#fees#pricing··Jul 10, 2015Codeable - How much does a WordPress site really cost?
A Meta Analysis of WordPress Development RatesWordpress development rates vary greatly depending on locations, skill sets and working methods. Fin...#freelancing#fees#rates#WordPress··Jul 7, 2015A Meta Analysis of WordPress Development Rates
20 Freelancer Struggles That Are All Too RealDesigners, developers, bloggers, and writers will identify with this hilarious list of freelancer st...#freelancing#humor··Jul 1, 201520 Freelancer Struggles That Are All Too Real
The Challenges of Pricing and Selling with WordPress - Part 1 - WP ElevationPricing WordPress products & services can be the biggest opportunity & frustration. The better quest...#WordPress#freelancing#pricing··Jul 1, 2015The Challenges of Pricing and Selling with WordPress - Part 1 - WP Elevation
The Challenges of Pricing and Selling with WordPress - Part 2 - WP ElevationThe challenges of pricing and selling with WordPress#freelancing#pricing#WordPress··Jul 1, 2015The Challenges of Pricing and Selling with WordPress - Part 2 - WP Elevation
Value Based Pricing - Troy DeanValue based pricing works with anyone who has a problem they need solving. If you can't determine va...#freelancing#pricing··Jul 1, 2015Value Based Pricing - Troy Dean
Will Becoming a Specialist Boost Your WordPress Development Business?Everywhere you look it seems like the number one piece of business advice being dished out these day...#freelancing#WordPress··Jul 1, 2015Will Becoming a Specialist Boost Your WordPress Development Business?
WordPress Developers: How To Deal With Clients Who Think They Are DesignersDo you imagine that anyone sat down next to Picasso or Monet while they were painting, all the while...#freelancing#client relationships··Jul 1, 2015WordPress Developers: How To Deal With Clients Who Think They Are Designers
WordPress Developers: How to Make More Money With Fewer ClientsIn this highly competitive world, WordPress developers will often take low paying projects as a mean...#freelancing#pricing··Jul 1, 2015WordPress Developers: How to Make More Money With Fewer Clients
Developer or Designer? Why Your Clients Need You to Adapt (Or Die)As a writer, delving into the hotly contested debate that pits designers against developers is akin ...#webdesign#development#freelancing··Jul 1, 2015Developer or Designer? Why Your Clients Need You to Adapt (Or Die)
A General Pricing Guide for WordPress WebsitesI know a lot of the Elegant Themes community provides WordPress design, development, and/or maintena...#freelancing#pricing#WordPress··Jul 1, 2015A General Pricing Guide for WordPress Websites
WordPress Freelancers: How to Run a Freelance Business Entirely from WordPressFor freelancers around the world, the equation is simple: the more hours you bill, the more you earn...#freelancing#WordPress··Jul 1, 2015WordPress Freelancers: How to Run a Freelance Business Entirely from WordPress
WordPress Developers: How to Better Estimate Your Time (In 4 Steps)The old adage that ‘time is money’ has rarely been more appropriate than it is for freelancers today...#freelancing#fees··Jul 1, 2015WordPress Developers: How to Better Estimate Your Time (In 4 Steps)
Uber: California’s Ruling Could Destroy Billions in WealthCalifornia’s decision to classify Uber drivers as “employees” could have dire implications – potenti...#freelancing··Jun 30, 2015Uber: California’s Ruling Could Destroy Billions in Wealth
Daily & Hourly Office & Meeting Room Rental | LiquidSpace#freelancing#coworking··Jun 18, 2015Daily & Hourly Office & Meeting Room Rental | LiquidSpace
6 Contract Clauses That Will Save Your Tush - WP ElevationWhen a topic consistently appears in front of me over and over like contract clauses, from different...#freelancing#contracts··Jun 16, 20156 Contract Clauses That Will Save Your Tush - WP Elevation
The 1099 Economy Workforce SurveyUnderstanding the world's fastest growing working class#freelancing#statistics#research··May 20, 2015The 1099 Economy Workforce Survey
A Comprehensive Guide to Creating an Ironclad WordPress Development ContractMany WordPress developers avoid contracts for a variety of reasons, the biggest of which is the misc...#freelancing#contracts··May 20, 2015A Comprehensive Guide to Creating an Ironclad WordPress Development Contract
5 Tips to Help you Estimate how Much Time a Project Will TakeI had just had a good run of projects, doing good work I was proud of in the right amount of time… a...#freelancing#pricing··May 14, 20155 Tips to Help you Estimate how Much Time a Project Will Take
The Challenges of Pricing and Selling with WordPress - Part 1 - WP ElevationPricing WordPress products & services can be the biggest opportunity & frustration. The better quest...#WordPress#freelancing#fees#pricing··May 14, 2015The Challenges of Pricing and Selling with WordPress - Part 1 - WP Elevation