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COVID-19 And The New Remote Work Community - WP&UP
COVID-19 And The New Remote Work Community - WP&UP
COVID-19 And The New Remote Work Community Supporting communities as we adapt to new working environments. With the World Health Organisations (WHO) announcement that COVID-19 … COVID-19 And The New Remote Work Community Read More »
COVID-19 And The New Remote Work Community - WP&UP
Freelancer Directory
Freelancer Directory
How does it work? Fill in your profile Define your skills, the type of missions you are looking for, your experience, etc. Everything that will make it easy to find you. Free for life. No commission. Sign up for free Browse our private platform Once registered, you are referenced on the platform and members can …
Freelancer Directory
Pricing Strategy Driven by Data
Pricing Strategy Driven by Data
Price Intelligently is a value based pricing strategy platform that helps subscription and SaaS companies get their pricing strategy right with data.
Pricing Strategy Driven by Data
60 Best Remote Jobs Websites to Find a Great Remote Job in 2019
60 Best Remote Jobs Websites to Find a Great Remote Job in 2019
Finding the best remote jobs websites can be a challenge. Because there's a lot of noise out there, I've compiled a list of the best remote jobs websites on the market today, and this list is regularly updated to include new communities.
60 Best Remote Jobs Websites to Find a Great Remote Job in 2019
Remote Jobs in 💯 Programming, Design, Marketing and more
Remote Jobs in 💯 Programming, Design, Marketing and more
31,718 Remote Jobs available: Work Remotely as a Programmer, Designer, Copywriter, Customer Support Rep, Project Manager and more! Hire remote workers. Remote OK is the biggest remote jobs board on the web to help you find a career where you can work remotely from anywhere.
Remote Jobs in 💯 Programming, Design, Marketing and more
The Value Of Defining Done
The Value Of Defining Done
The Value Of Defining Done In my time working with various teams on various projects one simple fact emerged throughout. This central truth helped set apart chaos from refined process and disastrous results from very happy stakeholders.
The Value Of Defining Done
Finding $100,000 Problems – The Importance of Your Discovery Process
Finding $100,000 Problems – The Importance of Your Discovery Process
Selling a $10,000 project is easy once you’ve found a $100,000 problem. Your discovery process plays an important role in this so you can’t take shortcuts. Why do you think you’re struggling to sell a $10,000 solution to your clients? It’s usually because they have a nagging feeling in the back of their minds. They’re... read more
Finding $100,000 Problems – The Importance of Your Discovery Process
How Much Should You Get Paid To Build Websites In 2019?
How Much Should You Get Paid To Build Websites In 2019?
As a web designer, you might think that what you get paid to build websites doesn’t matter so long as you have money in the bank. But it does. This guide breaks down three ways you can charge for your design services and help you find the perfect rate to charge clients in 2019.
How Much Should You Get Paid To Build Websites In 2019?
Productivity Fix for Multi-Passionate People
Productivity Fix for Multi-Passionate People
Are you the type of person who always has multiple projects going, always has new ideas and loves to start new things? That's great... except it makes you bad at follow-through. Learn the fix & get good at reaching your goals.
Productivity Fix for Multi-Passionate People