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Case Study Buddy
Case Study Buddy
Professional, done-for-you case studies service. We interview your client, then turn their success story into a powerful sales asset that impresses leads and closes deals. It's a busy marketer's dream come true!
Case Study Buddy
Website design questionnaire template
Website design questionnaire template
A website design questionnaire is one of the first touch points you have with your clients. It’s arguably the most important thing to get right in the entire web development process. It helps you understand your client’s wants and needs. If you don’t know what your client needs, the project might be doomed before it
Website design questionnaire template
The Price of Freelancing - Better Proposals
The Price of Freelancing - Better Proposals
A short book about how to live a normal life as a freelancer. No fancy jets, no 4-hour work-week, no automated income. Just a normal, honest working week doing what you enjoy and getting paid fairly for it
The Price of Freelancing - Better Proposals
10 Reasons Not to Work With Me - Penguin Media
10 Reasons Not to Work With Me - Penguin Media
10 reasonsyou SHOULDN’T work with me because I want to tell you the truth So after reading the title of this page you’re probably a bit intrigued, right? Great! Most people will have 10 reasons why to work with them but I’m a little bit different and I want to work with people I…
10 Reasons Not to Work With Me - Penguin Media
Are You Really Sure You Want to Do This?
Are You Really Sure You Want to Do This?
Do you believe you're qualified to be our client? We are a premium house and it takes more than your desire and cash to fund the project to work with us. We have requirements. Take a look at them to find out if we'll work with you or wave bye-bye as you look for someone else who will.
Are You Really Sure You Want to Do This?
Running a successful web design business - The Garage
Running a successful web design business - The Garage
Why run a web design business? With the internet providing the ability to work remotely and service clients everywhere, now is the time to get started. Learn how to get up and running, successfully with this 10-step guide.
Running a successful web design business - The Garage
Understanding Your Worth — How to Calculate a Minimum Hourly Rate for WordPress Projects | Liquid Web
Understanding Your Worth — How to Calculate a Minimum Hourly Rate for WordPress Projects | Liquid Web
Pricing your WordPress services isn’t just about the money you want to make, it’s about the quality of life you want for yourself and/or your team. Whether you use hourly or flat-rate pricing, you need to know your minimum hourly rate for WordPress Projects.
Understanding Your Worth — How to Calculate a Minimum Hourly Rate for WordPress Projects | Liquid Web
Rivvly | Virtual Assistant
Rivvly | Virtual Assistant
Overwhelmed and ready to have work/life balance? Rivvly can make it happen. We'll connect you with a qualified, dedicated virtual assistant to help you thrive.
Rivvly | Virtual Assistant
You Can’t Put a Price on Pro Bono Work—But You Can Claim Do-Gooder Deductions - CPA for Freelancers
You Can’t Put a Price on Pro Bono Work—But You Can Claim Do-Gooder Deductions - CPA for Freelancers
Chances are you’ve been asked to volunteer before. Maybe you got trapped, er, talked into leading a Brownie troop. Or running (okay, walking) a 5k for a good cause. In your professional life, maybe it was to do some pro bono work to help a...
You Can’t Put a Price on Pro Bono Work—But You Can Claim Do-Gooder Deductions - CPA for Freelancers
How to help clients with tiny budgets | Erin Flynn
How to help clients with tiny budgets | Erin Flynn
“But my clients can’t afford a $10,000 website. They can’t even afford a $3,000 one!” Does that sound like you? It sounds like a lot of web designers I know. And while I could (and often do) tell them to target clients with more money, sometimes the people you want as your clients don’t have […]
How to help clients with tiny budgets | Erin Flynn
Here’s Why All Your Projects Are Always Late — and What to Do About It - Freakonomics
Here’s Why All Your Projects Are Always Late — and What to Do About It - Freakonomics
Whether it’s a giant infrastructure plan or a humble kitchen renovation, it’ll inevitably take way too long and cost way too much. That’s because you suffer from “the planning fallacy.” (You also have an “optimism bias” and a bad case of overconfidence.) But don’t worry: we’ve got the solution.
Here’s Why All Your Projects Are Always Late — and What to Do About It - Freakonomics
The Definitive Guide to Freelance Pricing
The Definitive Guide to Freelance Pricing
Pricing is damn hard. If anyone tells you they have it all figured out ask them again in 6 months and it’s likely they’re doing something just a bit different then last time you talked to them. I g…
The Definitive Guide to Freelance Pricing