9 pro tips for creating a strong web design portfolio website
Layout is a design and WordPress blog covering thought-provoking topics that show you the next step for your business, improve your process, and inspire your designs.
How to improve communication and collaboration between developers and designers
Communication is important. Hence, we are developing DebugMe. In a relationship, in traffic, at work. The more closely you deal with someone, the more important it becomes. And the more difficult it i…
Get a clear step by step walkthrough on how to create a perfect website proposal to quickly close your next sale. With real examples and proposal templates.
The first website redesign project I managed happened to be one where I was thrown in half way through. Yikes! When you inherit a project, things may not have been done your way, but you just have to …
Welcome to part 3 of 5 of our Divi mini series Creating Client Documentation to Empower your Clients and Save You Time. In this series, we’re branching out from a typical module or Divi design...
Paula Scher on Why and When it’s Worth it to Work for Free
This is the first article in a new Design + Money series, which tackles a different issue each month about fair compensation for the creative community. Don’t think, just answer: should you get paid f…
A Super Quick Guide to Writing Proposals for WordPress Projects
Flash proposals – we’ve all sent them. You know, when a potential client wants the next steps, more details, a quote, or maybe even a proposal … and you rush to crank out an email that – you think – i...
Different Pricing Strategies: Discover What Works For You
Establishing a fair pricing strategy able to suit your needs is difficult. Consider these three different pricing strategies when developing your plan.
What is the Discovery Phase & Why Do I Need It? Zao.is WordPress Dev
You've heard the term "discovery phase," but you're not sure what it means. Justin Sternberg details what the discovery phase includes & why it matters.
Web design project estimations are no easy task, but every creative needs to know how to price their work. Here are some top tips to do it the right way!
The Year of No More Bad WordPress Projects | WPShout
Happy New Year! In the long break between 2016 and 2017, I had a lot of time to think. My thoughts kept returning to a number of patterns that crop up in m
Knowing another language other than your native tongue always gives you a positive edge. As a professional designer, there is a need to understand the Clientish language. Clientish is the language of ...
How to Take a Vacation Without Giving Your WordPress Website a Break
Running a WordPress business can be a really rewarding experience, but it’s not without its drawbacks. According to a Constant Contact survey, 785 small business owners shared their insights into the ...
Why designers need to understand basic business concepts
When you onboard a client, you need to understand their business goals. And to do that, you need to understand business concepts. Here's where to start.