

ACF | ACF 5.8 - Introducing ACF Blocks for Gutenberg
ACF | ACF 5.8 - Introducing ACF Blocks for Gutenberg
There has been a lot of excitement surrounding Gutenberg, the new block-based WordPress editing experience. One of its most compelling features is the ability for developers to create their own custom block types. This opens up an endless array of possibilities for customization. There’s just one little problem.
ACF | ACF 5.8 - Introducing ACF Blocks for Gutenberg
A Plan for 5.0
A Plan for 5.0
Usually during major releases of WordPress, the dedicated release lead chooses a few folks to help them through the time-consuming work of managing an excellent release cycle. We are blessed with s…
A Plan for 5.0
What’s new in Gutenberg? (11th October)
What’s new in Gutenberg? (11th October)
4.0 is at the release candidate stage, which can be grabbed here. Our 40th release is going to be a long one. Main changes are the introduction of a new data structure for RichText that will allow …
What’s new in Gutenberg? (11th October)
Do You Need to Know React as a WordPress Developer?
Do You Need to Know React as a WordPress Developer?
The new WordPress content editing system Gutenberg will be powering the WordPress post editor in WordPress 5.0. Gutenberg is a “block-based” editor. When creating content, everything is a block. If you have a post that is one paragraph, one header, and then two paragraphs, that’s four blocks. Gutenberg comes with a set of default “core” …
Do You Need to Know React as a WordPress Developer?