

WordPress’ Gutenberg: The Long View
WordPress’ Gutenberg: The Long View
WordPress has been around for 15 years. 31.5% of sites use it, and that figure continues to climb. We’re here for the long term, so we need to plan for the long term. Gutenberg is being built…
WordPress’ Gutenberg: The Long View
ACF | The State of ACF in a Gutenberg World
ACF | The State of ACF in a Gutenberg World
The big event is finally within sight: WordPress 5.0, featuring the new Gutenberg editor, is coming soon. And all of the emotions leading up to this release are quite unlike anything we’ve seen in the world of WordPress. Feelings are all over the spectrum, from those who are absolutely giddy with excitement to those
ACF | The State of ACF in a Gutenberg World
What is Gutenberg?
What is Gutenberg?
After many months of development and testing, WordPress is about to make one of the most drastic shifts in its history. One the will frustrate many but could...
What is Gutenberg?
gutenberg - Printing since 1440. Development hub for the editor focus in core. Beta plugin is available from the official WordPress repository.
Update on Gutenberg
Update on Gutenberg
Progress on the Gutenberg project, the new content creating experience coming to WordPress, has come a long way. Since the start of the project, there have been 30 releases and 12 of those happened…
Update on Gutenberg
User Testing Gutenberg
User Testing Gutenberg
A new WordPress content editing experience—Gutenberg—is coming soon to WordPress core, and 10up’s User Experience team is eager to understand how it will impact the experience for content creators. As a starting point, I created a usability test to study the experiences of professional, digital content publishers who are used to writing stories in the [...]
User Testing Gutenberg