

What’s new in Gutenberg (4th October)
What’s new in Gutenberg (4th October)
1.3 🦍: Add an opacity range slider to the cover image block. Offer the option to convert a single block to an HTML block when conflicting content is detected. Persist recently used blocks through s…
What’s new in Gutenberg (4th October)
We Called it Gutenberg for a Reason
We Called it Gutenberg for a Reason
Movable type was about books, but it wasn’t just about books. Ideas spread. Literacy spiked. The elite monopoly on education and government started to crack. Luther’s 95 Theses were printed on a pr…
We Called it Gutenberg for a Reason
Gutenberg & Themes
Gutenberg & Themes
There’s been a few interesting conversations about Gutenberg in the context of what the future of WordPress may look like. Given the fact we are starting from the bottom up with the post and …
Gutenberg & Themes
What’s new in Gutenberg (September 5)
What’s new in Gutenberg (September 5)
1.1.0 🦁: Add blocks “slash” autocomplete—shortcut to continue adding new block without leaving the keyboard. Add ability to remove an image from a gallery from within the block (selec…
What’s new in Gutenberg (September 5)