WordPress single posts come with featured images. Suppose you don’t want to show a featured image on every blog post but you still want a featured image showing in the archive or a front page. Lets add a checkbox to control this behaviour. If the box is checked, the featured image will be disabled and […]
Gutenberg 1.7 Adds Multi-Block Transform Functionality, Drops iframes Implementation of Meta Boxes
Gutenberg 1.7 was released today, two weeks after version 1.6, with a fresh round of new features, design updates, and the groundwork for nested blocks and block extensibility. Last week contributo…
Gutenberg Contributors Explore Alternative to Using iframes for Meta Boxes
The discussion surrounding the use of iframes for meta boxes in Gutenberg became more heated over the weekend, as concerned developers implored the team to consider the detriments of the current ap…
A new WordPress editor is coming. Of course, we're working on a Gutenberg integration for Yoast SEO. In this post, we'll share some of our early concepts.
One thousand and one way to extend Gutenberg today
If there's one and only one feature that made WordPress gain 30% of the web's market share, this feature would be Extensibility. What is WordPress without Yoast? What is WordPress without…
In the State of the Word 2016, Matt Mullenweg said that one of three main focuses of WordPress in the next year will be the editor, which will be block-bas
Introducing Gutenberg Boilerplate For Third Party Custom Blocks!
I have built a Gutenberg boilerplate to help WordPress theme and plugin developers kick-start their development with the new editor in town. It's heavily inline documented. This post also contains my …