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ACF | ACF 5.8 - Introducing ACF Blocks for Gutenberg
ACF | ACF 5.8 - Introducing ACF Blocks for Gutenberg
There has been a lot of excitement surrounding Gutenberg, the new block-based WordPress editing experience. One of its most compelling features is the ability for developers to create their own custom block types. This opens up an endless array of possibilities for customization. There’s just one little problem.
ACF | ACF 5.8 - Introducing ACF Blocks for Gutenberg
How To Get Started with Attributes in Gutenberg Blocks > Reaktiv Studios
How To Get Started with Attributes in Gutenberg Blocks > Reaktiv Studios
Gutenberg attributes are one of the more powerful, yet less talked about features inside the new WordPress editor. A good understanding of how they work opens up all kinds of possibilities for your blocks. In this post, Jay Hoffmann discusses what they are, what they do, and how you can use them in your custom blocks.
How To Get Started with Attributes in Gutenberg Blocks > Reaktiv Studios
Preparing WordPress themes for Gutenberg with the Block Unit Test — Rich Tabor
Preparing WordPress themes for Gutenberg with the Block Unit Test — Rich Tabor
Listen to this article: There’s no better time to start exploring how each of our WordPress themes will interface with Gutenberg. So to help folks level-up their themes to support the new WordPress block editor, I built the Block Unit Test WordPress plugin. Testing every core block within Gutenberg — and every variation of every […]
Preparing WordPress themes for Gutenberg with the Block Unit Test — Rich Tabor
How to Add Customizer Colors to Gutenberg Block Color Palettes — Rich Tabor
How to Add Customizer Colors to Gutenberg Block Color Palettes — Rich Tabor
Gutenberg, the upcoming block editor for WordPress, has a built-in color palette that lets users stylize content rather easily. While WordPress themes can override them and provide “themed” color palettes, I thought it would be interesting to load a custom color value from the WordPress Customizer within Gutenberg color palettes. For example, folks would be […]
How to Add Customizer Colors to Gutenberg Block Color Palettes — Rich Tabor
Whitelisting & Blacklisting Blocks - Jason Bahl
Whitelisting & Blacklisting Blocks - Jason Bahl
The Gutenberg editor (slated for WordPress core release in v5.0) ships with more than 60 blocks, many of which are likely irrelevant for many projects. The official Gutenberg documentation provides methods for whitelisting and blacklisting blocks, but at the time of writing this, those documented methods don’t work, and there are several open issues in the Gutenberg […]
Whitelisting & Blacklisting Blocks - Jason Bahl