We recently built a plugin for an enterprise client that handles the importing of custom formated Word documents into Gutenberg. Here's some more info about it.
In late 2018, WPCampus released a request for proposals to conduct an accessibility audit of the WordPress Gutenberg editor. Our vendor was selected and our final fundraising goal was set at $31,200. On April 29, 2019, Tenon LLC provided the final audit report to WPCampus. As of May 1, 2019, all documents provided by Tenon […]
Matt Medeiros, host of the Matt Report and the Plugin Tutorial podcast, went on Youtube and created a video with “6 Tips When Using WordPress Gutenberg Editor – Getting GOOD?!”. An early skeptic and vocal critic of the role out process of the Block Editor, Matt Medeiros seems to enjoy using Gutenberg more and he […]
Building (Gutenberg) blocks for the WordPress block editor is as easy or as hard as you want it to be. Learn how to do it the easy way with these slides from M…
Learn how to use (a few of) your fields in Advanced Custom Fields inside your blocks. Advanced Custom Fields has been an essential tool for many site creators for taming WordPress custom fields. Among its many uses, ACF allows people to create tailored user interfaces for adding in custom field data. This allows posts and … Continue reading How to Use ACF Fields in Your Blocks
Since its release 8 months ago, Gutenberg has been greatly improved, offering a user experience much richer than anything that was possible in WordPress. Let's take a look at its latest developments, and where it is heading to.
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to add custom Gutenberg block styles with the Gutenberg block editor. I’ve included two ways — both ES6 and ES5 Javascript.
December 6th, 2018 was a special date for WordPress: it marked the release of version 5.0 of the software that, to this day, powers more than one-third of
WordPress single posts come with featured images. Suppose you don’t want to show a featured image on every blog post but you still want a featured image showing in the archive or a front page. Lets add a checkbox to control this behaviour. If the box is checked, the featured image will be disabled and […]
For the past few months we’ve been converting WooCommerce widgets in WordPress to blocks. Widgets allow you to add a small feature, such as a paragraph of text, onto your website. Widge…