Introduction to the Twenty Nineteen Theme (Theming for Gutenberg)
Twenty Nineteen is the brand new WordPress 5.0 default theme and it's all about Gutenberg. Check out what's new in theme development with Gutenberg.
Using Block Templates with Gutenberg
Block templates are one of my favorite new features in Gutenberg. You can specify a list of blocks that automatically appear in the content editor, customize their attributes, and lock the template.
Rendering Dynamic Gutenberg Blocks in Theme Template Parts
Preparing WordPress themes for Gutenberg with the Block Unit Test — Rich Tabor
Listen to this article: There’s no better time to start exploring how each of our WordPress themes will interface with Gutenberg. So to help folks level-up their themes to support the new WordPress block editor, I built the Block Unit Test WordPress plugin. Testing every core block within Gutenberg — and every variation of every […]