Just having Photoshop and Illustrator on your computer won't make you a good designer, Gutenberg isn't going to make someone a WordPress developer either.
What happens when you let 40 people user-test WordPress' new Gutenberg editor? We've been user-testing Gutenberg and we made some interesting observations.
A new WordPress editor is coming. Of course, we're working on a Gutenberg integration for Yoast SEO. In this post, we'll share some of our early concepts.
We had vivid conversation about Gutenberg in WordPress Helsinki Meetup. I was hosting the meetup and shared my opinions about Gutenberg. We also got our hands dirty and tested Gutenberg. In short peop…
If you're already familiar with WordPress, you're probably used to its content editor based on TinyMCE. Creating content in WordPress did not really change for many years now. But with ne…
One thousand and one way to extend Gutenberg today
If there's one and only one feature that made WordPress gain 30% of the web's market share, this feature would be Extensibility. What is WordPress without Yoast? What is WordPress without…
Gutenberg Myth-Busting: 10 Answers on the Future of Content Creation in WordPress
CEO Andrew Roberts attends WordCamp New York where gave his talk, "The What and Why of Gutenberg". In this post, he discusses the answers to the questions asked from the audience.
Gutenberg is a very ambitious project with a lot of potential, but it wants to change too many things. Let's talk about plugin integration and its issues.
This weekend I enjoyed WordCamp New York City as well as a gorgeous 6-hour drive through the Adirondacks to get there. Setting GMaps to avoid toll roads brought me south along the Taconic State Parkwa…
This release includes long awaited meta-boxes support (needs testing!), improves the writing flow with tweaks to block navigation, adds the ability to insert blocks between other blocks quickly, an…
With this release Gutenberg allows you to make edits and tweaks to the HTML of individual blocks, without having to hunt for the relevant code in the full document view. 1.4 🐼 Redesigned the…
Gutenberg Engineer Matías Ventura Unpacks the Vision for Gutenblocks, Front-End Editing, and the Fut…
In a post titled Gutenberg, or the Ship of Theseus, Matías Ventura breaks down the vision for how the project will transform WordPress’ content creation experience and the decisions the team …
We Interviewed the React.js Team at Facebook About WordPress & Gutenberg!
The news about Facebook dropping the patent clause and re-licensing of React under the MIT license brought some sort of relief to the WordPress community. But the much-heated debate isn’t over yet. Pe…
How can a system fundamentally evolve without drastically changing? WordPress can build incredible sites, yet the usability and clarity that used to be a driving force for its adoption has been fad…
1.3 🦍: Add an opacity range slider to the cover image block. Offer the option to convert a single block to an HTML block when conflicting content is detected. Persist recently used blocks through s…
Imagine a very simple blog. Blog posts are just a title and a paragraph or three. In that case, having a CMS where you enter the title and those paragraphs
The WordPress content management system has built quite an empire for itself, with a community of passionate fans that help push it to new heights. It's the customizability of the platform that has ev…
If you haven't heard the news already, Matt has decided to move Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor, off of React, over people's reaction to the recent response from Facebook's legal…
Gutenberg Team Member Andrew Roberts Dishes on the New WordPress Editor
As you may have heard, WordPress is currently working on a brand new content editor named Gutenberg. Currently available as a plugin and set to ship with WordPress 5.0, the...
Gutenberg to Offer New Approach to TinyMCE in WordPress 5.0, a Plugin to Bring Back Old Interface Wi…
The WordPress community is currently knee-deep in Gutenberg takes, as the new editor is poised to impact nearly every corner of the ecosystem when it ships in WordPress 5.0. With billions of dollar…
For digital marketers, the Gutenberg editor could change our workflows for content production and management. Here's everything you need to know about it.
Gutenberg and the Future of Premium WordPress Themes & Plugins
If you’re involved in the WordPress community and follow WordPress news you’ve no doubt heard about the Gutenberg project. If you haven’t heard about it, get ready. Gutenberg will fundamentally cha…