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EditorsKit Block Styling, Utility Classes Features and more!
EditorsKit Block Styling, Utility Classes Features and more!
I'm very happy to introduce the next phase for this plugin -- the Block Styling. Over the last few weeks, I've been adding new features to EditorsKit and it's now on version 1.9.2. Here is the new set of options for the Gutenberg Page Building Toolkit plugin, plus I've listed…
EditorsKit Block Styling, Utility Classes Features and more!
How to Create a Custom WordPress Website with Gutenberg Block
How to Create a Custom WordPress Website with Gutenberg Block
It has now been a year since WordPress released its new Gutenberg Editor and it has now matured enough to become a very handy way to design and build your websites. Gutenberg has now overcome its teething issues and is a great way for both developers and noncoders to build and design the exact website they want. In this WordPress Gutenberg tutorial, we will show you both the basics of Gutenberg and also some of the more advanced types of content you can create such as custom lists, a search, and templates. First, let’s look at exactly why Gutenberg has …
How to Create a Custom WordPress Website with Gutenberg Block
Gutenberg: One Year Later
Gutenberg: One Year Later
As we quickly head into the final weeks of 2019, we also pass the first anniversary of WordPress 5.0 and, subsequently, Gutenberg coming headlong into our lives. Love it or hate it, Gutenberg is he…
Gutenberg: One Year Later
Blocks Plugin Unit Test: Choosing the Perfect Gutenberg Plugin for your Website and Theme
Blocks Plugin Unit Test: Choosing the Perfect Gutenberg Plugin for your Website and Theme
Since the launch of new WordPress Gutenberg block editor, there have been a lot of blocks plugin added on the plugin directory. Most of these Gutenberg blocks plugins provide several collection of useful blocks that you can integrate easily on your website. The huge question is which of these plugins…
Blocks Plugin Unit Test: Choosing the Perfect Gutenberg Plugin for your Website and Theme
Adds optional new post states if a Post has Blocks, has the "Classic" Block or no Blocks at all. *** Note: This respects also the popular "Disable Gutenberg" plugin (free, by Jeff Starr) which allows for disabling the "Block Editor" for entire post types.
Adds optional new post states if a Post has Blocks, has the "Classic" Block or no Blocks at all. *** Note: This respects also the popular "Disable Gutenberg" plugin (free, by Jeff Starr) which allows for disabling the "Block Editor" for entire post types.
Adds optional new post states if a Post has Blocks, has the "Classic" Block or no Blocks at all. *** Note: This respects also the popular "Disable Gutenberg" plugin (free, by Jeff Starr) which allows for disabling the "Block Editor" for entire post types. · GitHub
Adds optional new post states if a Post has Blocks, has the "Classic" Block or no Blocks at all. *** Note: This respects also the popular "Disable Gutenberg" plugin (free, by Jeff Starr) which allows for disabling the "Block Editor" for entire post types.
The WPCampus Gutenberg Accessibility Audit
The WPCampus Gutenberg Accessibility Audit
In late 2018, WPCampus released a request for proposals to conduct an accessibility audit of the WordPress Gutenberg editor. Our vendor was selected and our final fundraising goal was set at $31,200. On April 29, 2019, Tenon LLC provided the final audit report to WPCampus. As of May 1, 2019, all documents provided by Tenon […]
The WPCampus Gutenberg Accessibility Audit
Matt Medeiros: Don't Hate Gutenberg
Matt Medeiros: Don't Hate Gutenberg
Matt Medeiros, host of the Matt Report and the Plugin Tutorial podcast, went on Youtube and created a video with “6 Tips When Using WordPress Gutenberg Editor – Getting GOOD?!”. An early skeptic and vocal critic of the role out process of the Block Editor, Matt Medeiros seems to enjoy using Gutenberg more and he […]
Matt Medeiros: Don't Hate Gutenberg
Kioken Gutenber
Kioken Gutenber
Kioken Blocks is a fantastic suite of advanced Gutenberg Blocks that will maximize your productivity and creative freedom.
Kioken Gutenber