Excuses For Lazy CodersRT @themelab: Programming Excuses. http://t.co/MUzqOAhkLP#humor#development·programmingexcuses.com·Jul 29, 2013Excuses For Lazy Coders
Twitter / snipeyhead: How to know when you’re ...RT @snipeyhead: How to know when you’re middle-aged. #lawl http://t.co/Tez2c1yHjq#humor·twitter.com·Sep 8, 2013Twitter / snipeyhead: How to know when you’re ...
Almost all my middle-aged and elderly acquaintances | The Passive Voice | Writers, Writing, Self-Publishing, Disruptive Innovation and the Universe25, except when 107 http://t.co/T6R9ka2otu via @PassiveVoiceBlg#humor·thepassivevoice.com·Oct 9, 2013Almost all my middle-aged and elderly acquaintances | The Passive Voice | Writers, Writing, Self-Publishing, Disruptive Innovation and the Universe
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There are three types of mornings: 1. Early. 2. Too early. and, 3. What the hell am I doing up now. | SnarkecardsThis is how @stefandidak feels about mornings: http://t.co/kf7GT2mP6I#humor·snarkecards.com·Nov 11, 2013There are three types of mornings: 1. Early. 2. Too early. and, 3. What the hell am I doing up now. | Snarkecards
Funny Pinterest Fails (25 Photos) : theCHIVEKids, don't try this at home. RT “@IrisClasson: I'm dying ROFL http://t.co/eLipufOwvT”#humor#pinterest·thechive.com·Dec 18, 2013Funny Pinterest Fails (25 Photos) : theCHIVE
“Married Kama Sutra”: The World’s Least Erotic Sex Manual (10 pictures) | memolition“Married Kama Sutra”: The World’s Least Erotic Sex Manual (10 pictures) http://t.co/T5XQljCsgT#humor·memolition.com·Feb 8, 2014“Married Kama Sutra”: The World’s Least Erotic Sex Manual (10 pictures) | memolition
@Ipstenu Here's a lolcat for you: http://t.co/mQqyszlx8C@Ipstenu Here's a lolcat for you: http://t.co/mQqyszlx8C#humor·cheezburger.com·Feb 10, 2014@Ipstenu Here's a lolcat for you: http://t.co/mQqyszlx8C
Grumpy Cat by Ganz - Grumpy Cat Merchandise Products#humor#shopping·ganz.com·Feb 12, 2014Grumpy Cat by Ganz - Grumpy Cat Merchandise Products
Twitter / LibrarianNoelle: Hottest star at Toy Fair is ...“Hottest star at Toy Fair is the real Grumpy cat. #grumpycat”#grumpycat·twitter.com·Feb 17, 2014Twitter / LibrarianNoelle: Hottest star at Toy Fair is ...
RT @StefanDidak: That sure sums it up. http://t.co/zzp97UUXpB | Yup.RT @StefanDidak: That sure sums it up. http://t.co/zzp97UUXpB | Yup.#vaping#humor·i.imgur.com·Feb 21, 2014RT @StefanDidak: That sure sums it up. http://t.co/zzp97UUXpB | Yup.
Only 90s Web Developers Remember This#webdesign#history#humor·zachholman.com·Mar 31, 2014Only 90s Web Developers Remember This
Twitter / feitclub: The best thing about pregnant ...RT @feitclub: The best thing about pregnant women is the free Wifi http://t.co/AgdvBBFno9 | It's from the ultrasound.#humor#women·twitter.com·Apr 2, 2014Twitter / feitclub: The best thing about pregnant ...
Twitter / burnt_wick: This is what happens when you ...“This is what happens when you take actual titles of Cosmo articles and swap the male and female gender roles.”#humor·twitter.com·May 25, 2014Twitter / burnt_wick: This is what happens when you ...
imgur: the simple image sharerRT @bekijane: Flavour fraud. http://t.co/HoROYyoEQN via @imgur#humor#images#social media·imgur.com·Jul 20, 2014imgur: the simple image sharer
OCD Nightmares on Twitter: Who does this sh*t...Whyyyy???? http://t.co/FHExrWSFcQ“Who does this sh*t...Whyyyy????”#humor·twitter.com·Aug 24, 2014OCD Nightmares on Twitter: Who does this sh*t...Whyyyy???? http://t.co/FHExrWSFcQ
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The Origin Of "Piss Poor" And Other Popular Sayings.The origin of the term "Don't throw the baby out with the Bath water" is disgusting.#language#history#humor·thisblewmymind.com·Nov 12, 2014The Origin Of "Piss Poor" And Other Popular Sayings.
Hipster Logo Generator - Created by Elijah Zapien#design#generator#humor#logos·hipsterlogogenerator.com·Jan 25, 2015Hipster Logo Generator - Created by Elijah Zapien
100% Goats on TwitterRT @EverythingGoats: Whatever floats your goat http://t.co/6q2j4PRJpj#humor·twitter.com·Feb 20, 2015100% Goats on Twitter
John Perry Barlow on TwitterPolice Then and Now#humor·twitter.com·May 2, 2015John Perry Barlow on Twitter
9 illustrations that perfectly sum up life in New York City vs. San FranciscoFunny but true.#humor#nyc#San Francisco·businessinsider.com·May 2, 20159 illustrations that perfectly sum up life in New York City vs. San Francisco