10 Of The Best Multisite Plugins For Creating a Better User Experience
With big Multisite networks (like our sister site Edublogs) around the web setting the bar so high, basic functionality just doesn’t cut it anymore. These days users expect an easy-to-use site/network that provides them with a better user experience. I mean, setting up and running a Multisite network is easy enough. Creating a network or site that delights your users and provides them with a better user experience? Now there’s a challenge.
Pro Sites
25 Must-Have Plugins for WordPress Multisite Networks
Managing a WordPress Multisite network can be a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be if you have the right tools. But what are the best tools for Multisite? There’s always a lot of discussion on the WPMU DEV forums about this very topic, so I asked our support crew and developers what plugins they recommend people install on their network. Whether you’re new to running a Multisite network or have been hosting your own network for some time, you’re sure to find many of the plugins below (in no particularly order) useful for managing your sites.
Broadcast Documentation
This is the documentation index for the Wordpress Broadcast plugin.
Broadcast Add-ons
The Wordpress Broadcast plugin offers various add-on packs that offer various features and integrations.
Multisite Shared Menu
Use navigation menus from another multisite blog on the same network to achieve a universal common navigation area.
Multiple Network-Wide Menus
network-wide-menus - Multiple Network-Wide Menus for WordPress
Network Wide Menu
Ron Rennick - Network Wide Menu for WordPress Networks
Network Posts Extended
Tags: network global posts, network posts, global posts, multisite posts, shared posts, network posts extended Donate link: https://wp-plugins.
aggregator - Synchronise posts between blogs in a multisite network.
Multisite Directory
Add a browseable, flexible directory of the sites in a WP Multisite network. Each subsite gets its own page.
Network Subsite User Registration
Allow the public to register user accounts on Subsites within a Network (MultiSite) installation.
WDS Multisite Aggregate
A central area where all the posts on a WordPress MS network can be collected.
Multisite Auditor
The only plugin that can properly audit your themes and plugins for LARGE multisite installations (1000+ sites)
Multisite Post Reader
Use shortcodes on a page/post to display/edit all posts from all multisite subsites.
Multisite Site Index
Display an index of all sites on a multisite network with a widget or a shortcode ([site-index]). The site icon, title, and tagline are displayed by d …
NS Cloner – Site Copier
The NS Cloner saves multisite admins and developers TONS of time by cloning existing sites in a multisite network to a completely new site in a few se …
Join My Multisite
Allow site admins to automatically add existing users to their site, or let users decide at the click of a button.
Multisite Enhancements
Enhance Multisite for Network Admins with different topics
WP Multisite Content Copier
Copy/Update posts and pages from one site (blog) to the other sites (blogs) in your WordPress Multisite network.
Mercator - WordPress multisite domain mapping for the modern era.
Network content syndication made easy! Automatically share content by multiposting between multisite blogs.
WPMU DEV Multisite Plugins
Premium plugins for WP Multisite
Multisite WordPress Plugins from CodeCanyon
Get 76 multisite WordPress plugins on CodeCanyon. Buy multisite WordPress plugins from $9. All from our global community of web developers.
Plugins That Help To Manage a WordPress Multisite
The best plugins for WordPress multisites. A collection of plugins that make it easier for Super Admin and Site Admins to operate a multisite installation.
Must-have plugins for a WordPress multisite
When you decide it's time to build a WordPress multisite, things might get complicated. So here's a list of must-have plugins which can save your busy life.
10+ Best WordPress plugins to manage WordPress Multisite Handpicked plugins to help you manage WordP…
Using helpful WordPress plugins for various tasks allows you to manage WordPress Multisite in a professional and convenient way.