Automatically Update Your WordPress Plugins and Themes and Translations
WordPress allows you to automatically update your WordPress plugins and themes and translations by adding some PHP constants and filters to your WordPress installation. Constants are best off added in…
Transparency Report #24 – How to Increase Your Google Rankings Overnight
Welcome to the 24th edition of our transparency report (for January 2017). This is a series where I discuss everything that's been going on at CodeinWP.
10 Sure-Fire SEO Strategies for Getting Out of a Traffic Slump
Some people get a dopamine kick every time someone likes or shares their Facebook posts. Some get it from the number of ️hearts they get on their Instag...
A multilingual website is any website that offers content in more than one language. Examples of multilingual websites might include a Canadian business with an English and a French version of its sit
SEO blunders can happen to even the most well intentioned companies. Here are some examples of recent SEO mistakes I encountered and how you can avoid them.
Google Search Console is a must have account for owners of blogs and websites. It is critical for SEO because it helps webmasters understand Google’s view of their website or blog.
Thinking about using WordPress for your local business website? If so, check out columnist Marcus Miller's handy guide on how to do local SEO with this popular CMS.