Request Map Generator
Minimal Google Analytics Snippet
A simple snippet for tracking page views on your website without having to add external libraries. Also works for single page applications made with the likes of react and vue.js.
Accurately measuring layout on the web
We all want to make faster websites. The question is just what to measure, and how to use that information to determine what’s “slow” and what could be made faster. The browser re…
The Difference Between GTmetrix, PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Tools and WebPagetest
If you’ve used any of these tools, you may wonder why the results are sometimes different. The post serves to highlight the key differences in these performance analysis tools.
How to Find WordPress Performance Bottlenecks with New Relic
Check out these tips on how to use New Relic to identify performance bottlenecks from third-party plugins, services, and queries on your WordPress site.
Analyzing Third-Party Performance on Your WordPress Site
In today's post, we are going to show you how to better analyze third-party performance on your WordPress site, and what you can do to make it faster.
How to remove Analytics' DoubleClick (for demographic data)?
Over a week ago I enabled demographic reports in Google Analytics. A day later, I changed my mind and disabled this feature in my Analytics property. However, analytics.js today still makes two
Local Analytics - Fix "Leverage Browser Caching" Warning
Follow this tutorial on hosting local analytics to fix the "leverage browser caching" warning from G...
DareBoost - Comparison Speed Test
DareBoost is an online tool to test, analyze and monitor your website: speed, SEO, quality, security...