The Impact of Vaping On Individuals And Society
Gateway Theory | Drug War Facts
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: New Study of Trajectory of E-Cigarette Use Suggests a Pattern of Decreasing Cigarette and Nicotine Addiction
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: New Study of Trajectory of E-Cigarette Use Suggests a Pattern of Decreasing Cigarette and Nicotine Addiction
Invitation to Make History--form a NorCal SFATA Chapter
NorCal vape stores: join Cynthia Carbrera of the Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association (SFATA) for a strategy session May 30th at the Westin Sacramento.
Welcome to Tasty Vapor
RT @MrTastyVapor: HIGH VG IS LIVE!! Check it out friends!
Upset in the Appropriations Committee over AB 1500
Sorry not to post this right away, but I had to take a nap, and edit the video: #ecigs
Why I had to speak out for e-cigarettes (and you should, too)
A new post for the eve of the Appropriations Committee hearing:
vaping | LegiScan
vaping | LegiScan
E-cigarettes more effective than patches to help quit smoking, says study | Society |
E-cigarettes more effective than patches to help quit smoking, says study | Society |
Reports of an e-cigarette gateway to cigarettes by Glantz et al.: the study results provide no support for the conclusions
Reports of an e-cigarette gateway to cigarettes by Glantz et al.: the study results provide no support for the conclusions
Vaping Electronic Cigarettes Gets Green Light in Some Offices - NBC
Effects of Duration of Electronic Cigarette Use
Vaping 2014
Bill Godshall Update 2013-09-26
E-Cigs Are Not Gateways to Tobacco Smoking | E-Cig Rebuttal (6 of 20)
Can E-Cigarettes Cure America’s $90 Billion Smoking Problem? | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance
E-Cigarettes - Info about the electronic cigarette
Tobacco vs e-Cig - Are electronic cigarettes safe? - Whites UK E-cigs
Big Tobacco admits defeat, will develop e-cigarettes
E-cigarettes ‘not gateway into smoking’
E-cigarette Vs Tobacco Cigarettes |
Pin by Tripl3 eCig on Freedom to Vape | Pinterest
The Truth About e-cigarettes |
Pin by Alexandria Nicole on MDVAPES | Pinterest
E-cigarettes: No smoke, but fiery debate over safety –
People using electronic cigarettes, called "vaping," say the gadgets help them quit smoking. Critics call that a smokescreen for the risks.
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