Comparison of the effects of e-cigarette vapor and cigarette smoke on indoor air quality
New Data Show Tobacco, Alcohol and Sugary Drinks Still Being Promoted to Youth :: Press Releases :: Contra Costa Health Services
California Smoking & Tobacco Laws
The myth of nicotine addiction - Formindep
Characteristics, Perceived Side Effects and Benefits of Electronic Cigarette Use: A Worldwide Survey of More than 19,000 Consumers
Improved methods to identify frequent e-cigarette users needed | | Edison/Metuchen Sentinel
Factors Associated with E-cigarette Use
Oakley: Council adds e-cigarettes to public smoking crackdown -
Council snuffs out e-cigarettes - News
Oakley City Council Agrees to Ban Use of E-Cigarettes in Public Places | East County Today
Major E-Cigarette Company's President Wants Flavor Restrictions - US News
Statement by Jeff Stier at United Nations Hearing on the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases
BBC News - Girls aged 11 'get e-cigarettes easily' in north Wales
Study Suggests Electronic Cigarettes Are Not Gateway | CSPnet
ECigarette Marketing | Video |
E-CIGS: Vape group on board with lawmaker's proposal to keep product away from kids - Press Enterprise
E-views: East Contra Costa readers weigh in on banning of e-cigarettes -
Jay Rockefeller's Vaping Vapors: A Senate Hearing Highlights Irrational Hostility Toward E-Cigarettes - Jacob Sullum - Page full
"I should warn you that emotionally I'm on edge," Jay Rockefeller announced as he convened a Senate hearing last week. He was not kidding.
The FDA Says E-Cigarettes Are Less Harmful Than Smoking | E-liquid
State Use Tobacco Settlement Funds | Video |
The witnesses testified about the ways in which states are using the $147 billion derived from a 1998 settlement agreement with the four largest tobacco companies. Topics included smoking prevention…
Tobacco Control | ChangeLab Solutions
National Soda Summit 2014 Wraps Up | ChangeLab Solutions
Jackie Speier on The Bill Press Show - June 24, 2014 - YouTube
Congresswoman introducing bill to ban flavors in e-cigs | The Verge
Soldiers: Let Them Have (Alternative) Tobacco Products
Inside the Vaper's Den: E-Cig Salvation, and New Dangers - NBC
AA has 12 steps to take. For e-cigarette vapers, there are 7,000 chemicals to kick.
E-cigarette vendor appeals against conviction for breaching WA tobacco laws - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
"Big Tobacco" reports declines in cigarettes sold across the board | American Council on Science and Health (ACSH)
Mexico restricts confectionery and chocolate advertising to children
Judge Says Anti-Tobacco Report From FDA's Professional Anti-Tobacco Experts May Be a Bit Biased - Reason 24/7 :